Walnut Butter (Quick, Easy 2-Ingredient Recipe) - Heavenly Home Cooking (2024)

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This homemade walnut butter is a healthier alternative to store bought nut butters. It's made with just raw walnuts and a little salt. If desired, you can sweeten it with a little natural honey. It makes a great healthy option for your breakfast or brunch table. Spread it on toast, scones, muffins or biscuits for a delicious protein-packed breakfast!

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Walnut Butter (Quick, Easy 2-Ingredient Recipe) - Heavenly Home Cooking (1)

You just can't beat an all-natural homemade nut butter for nutrition and flavor. We had an abundance of walnuts leftover from our homemade walnut milk, so what better thing to make than homemade walnut butter?! It's beyond easy to make with only 2 ingredients (3 if you decide to sweeten it with honey, agave or maple syrup). What's not to love? It's delicious, healthy, naturally gluten free, vegan, low carb, low in saturated fat and takes literally 10 minutes or less to make.

Because walnuts tend to be on the bitter side, this nut butter on its own may be a bit too bitter for your taste. To counteract the bitterness, you can add a natural sweetener like honey. We recommend that you do this after it is processed in the food processor.

Table of Contents
  • Ingredients
  • Instructions
  • Equipment
  • Variations
  • Serving Suggestions
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Recipe
  • Comments


Walnut Butter (Quick, Easy 2-Ingredient Recipe) - Heavenly Home Cooking (2)
  • 2 cups chopped walnuts. Raw and unsalted. You can also use toasted walnuts. To toast raw walnuts, preheat your oven to 350 F (177 C), line a baking sheet with wax paper, spread a single layer of walnuts on the wax paper, and bake for 5-10 minutes until they are toasted to your liking.
  • ¼ teaspoon salt. Or to taste.
  • Honey. Optional. To taste.


Walnut Butter (Quick, Easy 2-Ingredient Recipe) - Heavenly Home Cooking (3)
Walnut Butter (Quick, Easy 2-Ingredient Recipe) - Heavenly Home Cooking (4)


  • Food processor or high speed blender. If you don't have a food processor, you can use a high speed blender instead. I would not try it with a less powerful blender.
Walnut Butter (Quick, Easy 2-Ingredient Recipe) - Heavenly Home Cooking (5)


  • Homemade almond butter. Substitute chopped raw almonds for the walnuts.
  • Homemade peanut butter. Substitute chopped raw peanuts or the walnuts.

Serving Suggestions

This walnut butter recipe is versatile and has many uses. You can

  • Spread it on some toasted bread. It tastes great on a slice of toasted cardamom quick bread, maple syrup bread or banana raisin bread.
  • Spread it on a biscuit or scone.
  • Blend it into a smoothie.
  • Make a stack of egg-free walnut pancakes. You can use our recipe for peanut butter pancakes as a base and substitute the walnut butter for peanut butter.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is walnut butter good for you?

Yes. In moderation, this walnut butter is good for you in that it is all natural, contains no preservatives, is high in protein and low in saturated fat. It also contains iron.

Is walnut butter keto?

Yes, one serving of this walnut butter contains only 2 grams of carbs and is high in healthy fat.

Does walnut butter need to be refrigerated?

Because this nut butter is all natural and contains no preservatives, it should be refrigerated. Store it in a jar with a tight-fitting lid. It will keep in your refrigerator for up to a month. If it separates or hardens in your fridge, remove the lid and heat in the microwave on high for 30 seconds until it's easier to stir. Then give it a good stir. Any leftovers can then be frozen. It will keep in your freezer for up to 3 months.

Walnut Butter (Quick, Easy 2-Ingredient Recipe) - Heavenly Home Cooking (6)

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Walnut Butter (Quick, Easy 2-Ingredient Recipe) - Heavenly Home Cooking (7)

Walnut Butter

Author: Heavenly Home Cooking

This homemade walnut butter is a healthier alternative to store bought nut butters. It's made with just raw walnuts and a little salt. If desired, you can sweeten it with a little natural honey. It makes a great healthy option for your breakfast or brunch table. Spread it on toast, scones, muffins or biscuits for a delicious protein-packed breakfast!

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Servings 32 tablespoons

Calories 97

Total Time 5 minutes mins


US Customary - Metric

  • 2 cups chopped walnuts Raw and unsalted.
  • ¼ teaspoon salt Or to taste.
  • Honey Optional. To taste.


  • Add chopped walnuts and salt to a food processor and process for 8-10 minutes. If desired, add honey to taste.

  • Continue processing until smooth and creamy.


Calories: 97kcal | Carbohydrates: 2g | Protein: 2g | Fat: 10g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Sodium: 18mg | Potassium: 65mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 1g | Vitamin A: 3IU | Vitamin C: 1mg | Calcium: 15mg | Iron: 1mg

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Reader Interactions


  1. Clara Burton says

    Walnut Butter (Quick, Easy 2-Ingredient Recipe) - Heavenly Home Cooking (8)
    Thanks so much for a raw recipe for nut butter! Everyone else insists on roasting the nuts when raw is more nutritious.


    • Sandra says

      You are very welcome, Clara. I'm glad you enjoyed the recipe! 🙂


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Walnut Butter (Quick, Easy 2-Ingredient Recipe) - Heavenly Home Cooking (2024)


How long does homemade walnut butter last? ›

Storing Homemade Nut Butter

Homemade nut butters will last about a month in the fridge and up to 3 months in the freezer. Since homemade nut butter doesn't have added preservatives like most store-bought nut butters it can go rancid more quickly.

What are the pros and cons of walnut butter? ›

"Of all the nut butters, walnut butter has the most omega-3 fatty acids," Andrea says. The healthful fat ratio helps lower LDL cholesterol, increase HDL cholesterol, and reduce inflammation. The hitch: Walnut butter is lower in protein and fiber than other nut butters.

Which is healthier walnut butter or almond butter? ›

Walnut butter is chock-full of omega-3 fatty acids, which are super important towards healthy brain and heart function. Plus, they're great for reducing overall inflammation in your body. On the other hand, almond butter is a great source of protein, vitamin E, and fiber… It's hard to go wrong with either one here.

What is the healthiest nut butter substitute? ›

Nut-free butters are the safest choice for people with peanut allergies.
  • Tahini. Tahini is a paste made from roasted sesame seeds. ...
  • Sunflower seed butter. Sunflower seed butter is a tree nut- and peanut-free spread made from roasted, ground sunflower seeds. ...
  • Coconut butter. ...
  • Soy nut butter. ...
  • Granola butter.
Oct 19, 2021

Why is my walnut butter bitter? ›

Yes, walnuts are naturally more bitter than other nuts, so yes, this walnut butter will be a little bitter on its own. You can use it as-is for adding to recipes, or add sweetener/additional ingredients listed in the recipe below.

What happens if you don't refrigerate nut butter? ›

So while the guidance tells us to refrigerate natural nut butters to prevent them from going rancid, keep in mind what Sanchez said ― rancid oil will taste bad, but it won't make you sick. So if you're aiming for a smoother, more spreadable texture, you can keep your natural nut butter in a cool, dry pantry.

Which nut butter is best for diabetics? ›

Almond Butter: Best for Blood Sugar Balance

In fact, when compared with classic peanut butter, almond butter provides significantly more of this satiating nutrient, with more than 3 grams of fiber per each 2-tablespoon serving vs. 1.6 grams of fiber provided by an equivalent serving of peanut butter.

What is the healthiest nut you can eat? ›

Top 10 healthiest nuts
  1. Almonds. Sweet tasting almonds have a number of health benefits. ...
  2. Brazil nuts. Originating from a tree in the Amazon, Brazil nuts are one of the richest food sources of the mineral, selenium. ...
  3. Cashews. ...
  4. Chestnuts. ...
  5. Hazelnuts. ...
  6. Macadamia nuts. ...
  7. Pecans. ...
  8. Pine nuts.
Mar 30, 2023

What is the most fattening nut butter? ›

Macadamia butter also helps to reduce cholesterol and support heart health, she added. It does contain the highest amount of calories and fat per serving of all nut butter and typically costs more, Childress said.

Is it cheaper to make your own nut butter? ›

Although prices for store-bought nut butters can vary based on region, homemade versions will almost always be cheaper. To maximize savings, shop sales, and look out for stores that sell nuts in bulk.

Which nut butter is easiest to digest? ›

Walnut butter contains omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and antioxidants - nutrients that can support a healthy gut microbiome and proper digestion. Studies have found that walnut consumption can change the microbiome by increasing good gut bacteria such as bifidobacterium in the gut.

What is the healthiest nut butter for weight loss? ›

Generally, the best nut butter for weight loss contains the most vitamins, minerals, and macronutrients. While calories also enter into this equation, they're not nearly as essential. Consequently, the healthiest nut butter for weight loss might be: Almond Butter.

Does walnut butter expire? ›

A commercial nut butter, once opened, will keep in your pantry for two to three months, according to the USDA, and most big brands encourage room-temperature storage. Plus, it stays spreadable that way. But it'll last at least twice as long if kept in the fridge, writes Dana Gunders in The Waste-Free Kitchen Handbook.

How long will my homemade butter last? ›

How long does homemade butter last? Homemade butter has a shelf life of up to 2 – 3 weeks when kept in the fridge. You can also keep your homemade butter in the freezer for up to 9 months.

Does walnut butter need to be refrigerated? ›

Do you have to refrigerate nut butters after opening? Storing our butters in the fridge will prolong their quality, but it makes them hard to spread. Unrefrigerated, they will harden over time due to the naturally occurring oil. We suggest storing in a cool dark place for easiest use.

How long does natural nut butter last? ›

Homemade raw almond butter will keep in the refrigerator for about two weeks, and store-bought may keep for months. A cooler with block ice or reusable freezer packs can also substitute for refrigeration.


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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.