Payment Options
You may pay you water bill in the following ways:
- Mail (Check or Money Order)
- In Person (inside or the drive-thru window) by check, cash, money order, credit card ( plus $3 credit card processing fee)
- Web payments ( plus $2 credit card processing fee)
- Automated phone payment or call City Hall at 512-352-2066 ( plus $3 credit card processing fee)
- Night drop box (in front of City Hall main entrance)
- Auto Draft (English and Español) Utility customers are encouraged to sign up for direct debit (auto-draft) payments from your checking account, to avoid convenience fees charged by credit card companies.
Water and Wastewater Service Information
Customers who wish to start, stop, or transfer water services must contact the City Hall Administration/Utility Billing offices, 400 Porter St., during normal business hours: 8am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday and complete a service contract.
Residential Wastewater Averaging
For residential customers, the City bases monthly wastewater charges on the average water consumption for November, December, January and February. The three lowest consumptions are averages. This average is used to calculate your wastewater charge for the entire year.
An account must be active the entire four months to establish an average.
All new accounts will be charged the citywide average until the account has established its own winter average.
- New Service: May be done in person or online here. If you choose to activate services in person at City Hall, you must present a valid photo ID, copy of a lease or closing papers, and pay a deposit and activation fee. Requests after 5 pm will be connected the following day. A $131 deposit is required along with a $33 connection fee.
- If a property has been vacant for 6 months or longer, a customer service inspection permit to check for water leaks is recommended before starting services. Please contact Development Services at 512-352-3675.
- Transfer of Service: Must be done in person, submit an application, and present a Valid Photo ID and copy of lease or closing papers.
- Stop or disconnect service:May be done by phone or in person. Deposits will be applied to the balance on the final bill. Please provide a forwarding address for the final bill and possible refund due.
- Reconnects:Requests must be received before 5 pm for same-day service. The reconnect fee is $33 or $66 for a reconnect after hours.
- Confidentiality forms are available to ensure your account information remains private. A copy of the form is available here.
Water / Sewer Problems
If your water service has been suddenly interrupted and you do not know the cause, please call the Utility Maintenance Department at 512-352-3251.
If your services are disconnected for non-payment, you must contact the Utility Billing department to make payment to restore your services. Payments must be made with credit/debit card, money order, or cash. Checks will not be accepted on accounts that have been disconnected due to non-payment. The full amount of the bill plus the reconnection fee must be paid before service is reinstated.
Customers should contact the Utility Billing Department to report water leaks, main breaks, or water quality problems. For sewer related problems, please call 512-352-3251.
Click here to view the 2023-24 Fee Schedule.
Water Meter Tampering
In an effort to deter losses in water revenue, service calls and meter repair, any detected water meter tampering will be reported to the police, investigated and, whenever possible, charges filed.
Tampering with a water meter is a Class A misdemeanor in Texas and punishable by a fine not to exceed $4000, confinement in jail for a term not to exceed 1 year, or both. Individuals responsible for tampering may also incur civil liability and additional fees. Call 512-352-5551 if you suspect someone has been tampering with a water meter.
Learn how you can conserve water and save money on your water bill by visiting the Water Use It Wisely website.
Garbage and Recycling Pick Up
Waste Connections (formerly Progressive Waste Solutions)
New service is established at the same time your water account is opened. Residents within the city limits not on city water may only opt to receive garbage service.
Tree Limbs
All residents who pay a City of Taylor utility bill and receive garbage service are entitled to once-a-week pickup of brush placed at the curb. Please, no limbs longer than four feet and the brush pile should be no larger than five cubic yards each time. Place at the curb the same day as your regular trash pickup. Any pile larger than this may be picked up for an additional fee. Please call 866-282-3508 to request an estimate.
Bulk Items
Large items may be placed at the curb on your regular pickup day, such as mattresses, sofas, most household items. No construction materials will be picked up. Carpet must be cut into manageable pieces to be discarded. Any item containing Freon will be picked up only after the Freon has been removed and a tag attached verifying this.
Damaged Carts and Additional Services
Call512-352-2066for missed pickups or damaged cart replacement.
For additional services such as a temporary roll-off dumpster, please callWaste Connectionsat 512-282-3508.
City of Taylor Recycling
For single-family homes that are currently on the city's Trash Collection Program.
- While regular trash pickup happens every week,theblue 95-gallonrecycling containers will be emptied onlyevery other week.
- PICKUP TIME: Please have carts outside at your curb by 7 a.m. on your pickup day.
- NOTE: Bottle caps and plastic lids may be recycled, but WC asks they be removed from the bottles. If attached, the caps and lids shoot off during the compaction process and can be dangerous to workers.
2024 Recycling Calendar
Williamson County Recycling Information
- Hutto Recycle Center (Waste Management)
- 101 Landfill Road
Hutto, TX 76574 - 512-846-2756
- Mon-Fri 7am - 5pm; Sat 7am- 12 noon
- Most items accepted FREE of charge; check the website for details; no longer accepting televisions or monitors.
- 101 Landfill Road
- Williamson County Recycle Center is located between Weir and Granger and accepts most household hazardous chemicals FOR A FEE. They also accept plastics, paper, cardboard, phone books, and metal free if sorted. They DO NOT accept explosives, gas cylinders, pharmaceuticals or bio waste.
- ADDRESS: 495 CR156
- PHONE: 512-864-3240
- HOURS: Thurs. and Friday 8am to 5pm; Sat. 8am to 12 noon
Electric Utilities
You must select your own electric provider. Visit the Power to Choose website to find a provider that best meets your needs.
- Phone: 1-800-460-3030 - Customer Service
- Phone: 1-800-817-8090 - Emergency /DocumentCenter/View/9612/FY2018-19-Fee-Schedule-