THE GALVESTON DAILY NEWS. SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 1887.. 3 THE BAYOU CITY BUDGET. ANOTHER ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY. Weekly Statistical Reports--Church Concert -Religious Notices--Town Notes and Personals.
HOURTOY, March -Tho cotton market closed steady, 1.0 advance. Salos, Lone. Quotations: Low ordinary, ordinary, good ordinury, SHe; low Middling, S7c; middling, 9 08 160; good midulics, 9 9.160; middliog fair, 100. TILY NEW ELECTRIC LIGILT COMPANY. ThE Naws correspondent this morning inter viewed Major T.
F. Whito, secrotary of the Houston Gas company, regarding tho organizntion of an additional eloptric light company, for operation In this oity. Major Whito stated new company would bo composed of tLu stockholdors of Tho present Houston Gaslight cowpany. a of the directory wug this morning, nod that potloog would bo 1u. medintely sent out notifying stockholders the Gas compouy to weat on tho day of March, for the purpose of taking stups toward umendiog weir prosent charter to enublo them to add ne electrio light pluut to their prosent plant.
Tho company is now ju correspondence with four puties, with vlew of obtaladug the bust plant for their purposas. It is proposed when in operation to ereot 100 are lights for stroetnse, ncu probably place Pinto company will push lights tho work as private rapidly use. Incandescent for AB practicable. CANO following UNCLAIMED is a list of unclaimed paokages remaining du the various express offices of tho oity for week onding March 5, 1887: Wells, Fargo BOY. J.
BErko. E. DArt, Niss A. J. W.
T. GallJard. Houston Post, M. T. Jones, M.
Kala, W. H. Knight, Alice Newhart. A. Striak.
Jan, L. Ship. Wm. Thompson, H. G.
oldstom, John l'acific Esprosa Company-H. Burkonwood, Davis, W. F. Davis, Cedar Bayou: V. F.
Hogan, Stewart Liken, Lvous house; Mollie Alaguire, A. Paigley, Join Philips, E. L. Mrs. F.
Ira. L. White, Crosby; Harkey Watson. Texas J. It.
T. toss, F. Garza, W. J. Goorge, Mrs, M.
J. Harriman, M. Koisllug. M. Galavotte, Mrs.
C. Lawson, M. MoDonald. J. H.
Palmer, J. Smith, Jack Vunn, F. Rhodo, A. L. Sougers.
AN OFFICIAL VISIT, In complinuce with the lotter of tions recelved from the grand commaudor of 1he Grund Commundury of Knights plar in Texas, authorizing him to visit nad inspect oficiaDy San Petipo do Acetio Comof Galveston, Sir Knight Hodry past grand commAnder, acting 88 proxy, will mako the ofllclal vIsit to: night. lie loave on tho evening train for Galveston, accompauied the tollow. ing of Ruthren Commandory of this pity: Sir Koights R. M. Elglo, 8.
aL. Willaris. Dr. Chamberlain, B. D.
Moore and 8, Winla in the Island city the Houston kalgbts will ho properly cared for and cutortalued by the memburs of tho Galresto2 commanders, MORTUALLY The fullowing .15 tho mortuary For tho week oodlug March 5, 1557. 1u -tho city o1 Houston, as reported, by. Health Quicer Powell: February Wushington; colored, ago 69, Tom Vintors, colored, age 45. dropsy of heart, inquest, March 2-- McCarthy, age 40, of spinal cord. R.
Edwards, male, colored, age 70, siuillty. Calld of I. H. male, stillborn. March 4-John Suwwers, uge 00, pericarditie.
March h-John E. Ran, age months, capillay grouchitis. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following mArringo licenses were jusced by County Clerk Erichson for the week ending March 1587: Louis with Josie A. Shelley.
'Henry Turlor with L. J. Jonog. Henry Stuart with 2. Webb.
Robert D. Blulock with Martha J. Oats. A. A.
Bilby with Dorotta Ernst. ZITHNARY AND DIONICAL ENTENTAINMENT, The Young Mon's Christian Association Litcrary have celected a choice aud Interesting programme to do it their entertainment Monday nigbt. The tollowing is the order of oxercises: instrumental solo, Mrs. Bujao: recitation, C. Taylor; song, Cliford Gronewald; reading, El, Brusheur: song, M06.
I. W. Goodbue: oration, C. J. Lororton.
Debute: President Cleveland was justiEnble in vetoing drouth the sood suiterers approprintion bill fur the A J. M. Furroll and Ed. Smallwood; negative, A. W.
Cheegman and m2. CHURCH NOTICES. Shearn Methodist Churob South, corner and Travis street--Sabbathschool at 9,80 a. 20. W.
9. Krabl, tendent. Preaching at 11 L. m. and 7.40 p.
m. by Rev. D. F. C.
Timmons, pastor. Prayer- meeting overy Wednesday evening nt 7.15 o'clock. First Church of Main aud Capitol streets, Services at 11 u. m. und 7,40 p.m., by lev.
E. D. D. pastor. Sonng mou's prayer moating at 0,46 P.
TIL. Sests Irer. zors and citizers cordially invited. at 9.00 it. 10., 10.
P. Irwin, superintendent. First Presbyteriay Sebool-Iu ward, In Gorman churob, at 3.50 p. 20., Captain Christiua, superintondent. Fifth Ward Baptist Church--Corner Hardy streot and Liberty avenue.
Nov. C. Collie, pastor. Sunday school at 0.30 it. 21.
11. H. Merrimun, suporintondont. Preaching by Roy. Dr.
Baron at 11 o'clock a. m. nad 7.00 p. m. Children's service 3 o'clock p.
u. Baptism at o'clock p.m. Ollret Bantist Church (Church of the by tho pastor, Hov. J. M.
C. Breaker, at 11. m. and 1.45 p. m.
in the ball, No. 67 Main struot, third floor, over Conraut's store. Young people's prayer meeting at 7.10 p. 10. Sunday.
school at 1,30 A. In. Scougalo, A. W. Cheesmap, assistant superintendent.
Oliver Mission Sunday-gobool, in Fourth ward, at 0.30 p. m. W. M. Court, I.
C. Schiebler, assistaut superiotondent. Mission services by the pastor overy 'Abursday night. Allare invited. CHORAL SOCINTY CONCERT.
The following is the progruqizue pi the by the Houston, Choral ut hall, Thursday ovening, BE tho 10th Part First-1. Opentag oborna, Crowned with the Tempest, Major P.M. Gallagher and socloty. 4. Vocn! seloction, atre.
J. O. Carr, U. Instrumental geleetion, Mi45 Sybil Campbell. 4.
Male quartetto, Cremiug, Messir. Adair, Cotton, Howle, Grunawald, Archer. Roos, Junkin. 3. Vocat duot.
Miss Bnokingham and Mrs. Adair. C. Quorivite, Ily Shepherd 13 tho Living God, Dies Hello Fern, Aliss C. Emmich, Mossra.
Cottrz and Grunorald. Part Second Instrumental duet. Scolch Dance, Chopiu, Mrs. C. A.
Bojae and Professor R. Gerstoubarger. 8, selectione, Migs Jeario Andros. P. Voon! duet, Cheerfulness, Gnubert, Are.
CArter Miss Florence Poisors. 10. Crystal Night, from David, Misos Powell, end Hartmann, Alessr2. Cotton, Howte, Greenwood, Byers. 11.
al Eclection, Miles T. Conradi. 12. Night Shedt: No Longer, Maaston Choral clefs. MISTAKEN IDENTITYLast algbt City Marshal Shaagnassoy re.
ceived 24 telegram from A. B. Connolly, of police, Adanta, asking him to arrest Charles I. Mudge, A pensenger on the New truin, who was doscribed P. being 00 years of ago.
5 feet 10 luchos bich, sandy mustache, blue eves, weight 142 pound8, gambler by profession, great. cigarette amoker, And in his session trunk check A 11. When the train arrived in tho morning Marshal 30y pud a detachment of policemon ware stationed on tho platform. Among those who allgheed from tho train guntieDIAL who as answered tho description of the purty wanted. The marshal stated his business and proceedod to searoh the gen11o222, and onock A 11 way found in he WAB thou informed by the party dotninod that his MAICO WAS Dr.
J. R. Roovos, resident of Blanco county; that ho could rofer to Dr. Nicoldsou. of Atlanta, as to his character.
Marebal Shaugnosyey, aftur obsuining tho telegraphed to the nuthoritles of Adorta ataiing ibeao facty, and this afternoon revuived A to. To- Dr. During the timo his detention at police bondnuarters the WAG trontod with tho consider-' ntion the morsbal acd Clerk Fitzgerald. He will leavo vin the Holaton And Texas Central to- night second for Austin, whero on route home. This Is the case purties boer detninod during the prosent 1POOK on telegrams.
from othor citles, asking the Houston polico to detuin them on nocount of trunk checks held by thom and supposed to be in the possession guilty partles. In both cuses the parties were reloased. RIAL ESTATE TRANSFERS, Peter Wundorlich to G. William Behe. Len, 50 acres.
Moro or loa8. out of tho porthwest part of tho Sarah MoForron labor of land, 5160. Jacob Thels, to Peter Wuadorlich, KG acres out of the Nolban Finney OD tho north Fido of Cypress creek, Louise H. McDonnell to Robert Eberbardo lot 8 of addition, north sido Bufalo bayou, with improvoments, 6500. FOSO SERVICE, The Rev.
D. will spork at tho Young Men's Christian nssoolution 900g sorrico to-morrow (Sunday) afternoon at 4.00 o'clock. All tho young wen of tho clty are invited to bo presont. ADJOURNED FOR TIE TERM. The Criminal District Conro after a pion of four woeks, ndjournod Judge Cook signed the minutes, tho jurors wore discharged and received their pay for servicos.
Frevions to Judge Cook made an entry commending the nbility, excollence and untiring ability of the district uttorney. clerk and sheriff in tho discharge of their duties for this torn which, he sold. brought abont the most successfal dispatol of the public businens. CHAROND WITH SNOYING THE QUEER. For somo time past tho city bag been hooded with counterfeit pickols.
OAlcers Lave been searchiug diligoutly tor the par. tios manufactarine thoso spurious colas, hut withont succoss. To-day Dupaty Ualted States Marabal Jobu F. Morris on uQdavit sworn out botoro tho Unitod Stales commiscioner, arrested Loo NagdoI-ult dealer, dolug bastness at tho corner of Preston and Milan stroots, bls brother Tory, cugoged in similar and P. Rochlumoot and wite, doing businags of Tesus avenue a and Austlu streets, then with passing nickels.
corner Congress and Malu street, charglus is charged that the arrestod parting bare wado praolice of giving counterfeit pick. ols in chance to porsons who bought fruit of them. The bouses and persons of the ar. rested porties wore soarobed this morning. but no tools or plant tor counterfeiting WAS loud.
About 4:1200 in woney WUS found in their possession. but only two counterfeit ufckels were. discovcred erong the wowoy, 'Tho Naguelatzeo brothers gave bond for their appearanca beforo Commissioner Brooding Monday Rochlumoot and his Tito are still in custody. BUNTING PARTY OF MIEN. Chew, Mitchell, Reid, Dlck, Bell.
Pollard Or Wednesday Dust en Clareland. and Camybel), prominept business man or Houstou, will leuro for Sbepurd via the Houston Last and Woat Tasng road, for a week's bunt and recreation in the woods. A pleasupt time is anticipated by tha gentlemon. Several of the gentlomon aro crack shots, aud-thoy intone returning with EL bear; supply of guise. JUSTICE RAILEY'S COUNT.
Lolla Russeli, vagrancy; finod $1 and costa, Alice Morse, vagrancy; Good and costs. JUSTICE COURT. Francis Williams, disturbing tho peace; fined 45 ad costs. French BIll, disturbing the peace: Aned $1 and costs. NOTZS OF THE TOWN.
A footpad attempted to rob A. Rice while crossing Sup Jacinto bridge last night. The entertainmont giren by the Fort. nightly circle at the of L. Crueford Inst aight wus enjoyed thorough.
29 by in attendance. The Centrul market was well crowded this morning. Joseph B. Cozza, at one time connected with the Icrald, will shortly start wreckly puper culled the Houston Jobber, dovoted lo cormorcial and murconido of the city. Tho three year old child T.
W. Hill strayed from hom*o this wording und has Lot sot been found. The lost cEild is a lit12e girl, with light blue erns and was fooled. The antborides nro sourching for her. PERSONAL.
Wallace McPherson of Atlanta, Is ic town. F. Henderson. of Brownwood is in th19 city. W.
Murray of San Antonio is down on a riait. Job Me Quado of New York is among the arrivals. A. Friedlander of New Orleans 13 in the city. A.
Calbova is down from S. Rogers of Brenbam Is amons friends here. William Welchmau, Liloxi: John S. SeymoUr, Now Orleuns: J. f1.
M1 ford, New York: Wollaro McPherson, Atlanta, 1. M. Dunlop. Now York; W. Fl.
Nicely, Har Antonio: R. M. Tripp, Sun Francison; L. K. Shourda, St.
Lonis; T. J. Tiernot. Woodbury; C. O.
Converse and wito, capo: T. P. Nichola, Galveston: F. Honder. T.
L. Hacknay, Lone Star Drille; Lymnp Dagell. St. Louis; W. S.
Dennie, Now York: Sliver acd wife, city; MrE. R. Dallacard, H. R. Hearnie, Shelton; M.
F. Smith, Austin: W. Murray, San Autonio; M. D. Monorrate, Me Qunde, Now York, uru at the Capitol.
Cuero; J. M. A Arrington, St. Louts; John W. Y.
Lyuch, Cinolpunti; James V. L93. Cold Springs: C. W. Tandy, Senoca, COTES W.
Kidd, Beaumont: James Sharp, Austin: A. Friedlandor, New Onesas; Williams, PaciLe Railway P'. S. Boomer, S. A.
Texas: C. L. Blokeslee, Dr Quoin, W. P. SEry.
ing, New York: B. A. Calhoun. Bryan: Gus Meters, Michmond, P. Huber, St.
Louls: John G. Winter. Waco; A. D. Scott, St.
Louis: H. Witcher, William H. Howard, Galveston; Poter A. C. Barriy, Miss Tobin, Mrs.
J. Fiolcy, J. Fialoy, Beuumont; L. Scooler, Nerv York: J. D.
Burton. Texas; V. D. Vosey, Richmond, Benjamin B. Brezbain; C.
I. Griflo, Texas, are at the Hutchins. DE. In Dallas thiroo yours. is in tho city sill March-10 Suffer cro aroma ol youth should not fall to endl during nig stay.
Thousands of gaMerora Ir. Deltas Inve been snatchod from at carls grave. Don't Fall to consult Ofice, 305 Preston struct, nour Post ollee, TAXES Expross Company. Onces of this company have recontiy been established at the following stationy on Gulf, Colorado and Sautn Fo ruliroad: Gainesville, Honey Grovo, Farmersvilla, Colesto, Ladonin, Wylie, Coffeeville, Gerald, Kylie, Hasler, Justin, Krum Sanger, Valley View, Meritt and Wolf City. Jacksonville.
JACKSONVILLE, March 10 44 call from the chairman of the Domocracy at Cherokeo county, the conventico for Precinct No. 1 convened at Jackconvillo to-day, and after some scramblings and a wiro-palling, the convention rent delegates to the Connty convention uninstrueted. Tho Perking men made At tempt to inelruct for Perkins but ICTe successful. EvERY la luterosted thair Own ut. faire, and if thin woote the 070 of Any one wuD 18 6ufcring from the sHoots of a torpid liver, TO wEll adult that he l8 intereysod in gotting roll, Get a bottle of Prickly Ash Bitters, udo 16 08 directed, and you will always be glad you tend this Itom.
TAYLOR, Concorning the Proposed County-Tho Livo Stock: Association, TAYLOR, March people hore aro still hopoful over tho new of Willis, for which thay made application to the legislaturo. Tho bill is still with the committco with fuir prospect of it boing favorably voted on. Thore de some pulling ugainst the Low county from ontsidure, but tho Insido are IL unit in furor of It, god 2S thoy are tho interosted ones the lenisiaturo appears to think thoir wisdos should bo crunted. As the now county will evidently wealthy one thoy are tally nblo to take core at themselves berldes muking anothor good point for planting young lawFers that the old alcalde and his university ero turning out TO grass. The Willauson County Live Stock ugsoolation bold their annual May 3, 4 and They are making extensive, preparations and 124- provements on their bulldings, and oxpaot to do some advertising and throw out other iraucements for exhibitors take lu the show.
Burkett Murphy, who havo contract for forty miles of the Taylor, Sustrop nod Houston railroud, from Bastrop to Farettoville, in Fuyette county, have it all strung with teary, wud expuot to complata their contract by or buforo September I. cracke, like guo-abota overhond, warded an Uncle Tom's Cabin company And nudlence to raouto a rink at Clumstora, N. 120 other night. The audience razed out by tho front und tho urtists by The back exite, and were scarcoly moro then outside when the root of the rink, carried down by spow, collapsed. Only one person was Scrofula Probably no furm of LEgense la so genomly among our wholo population as scrofula.
Almost prory Indiridun: this Intent po'ron coursing his Tre terriblo 02- lay those cOlleted with ocrofu'ous 86 eminot bu understood by othory, and their unjo on a remely that cures them, woll porsou. Tho wonderful power nt Hood's Sarsaparilla in evers form of Scrofula has boon a0 cluarly and fully dumnustratel that it Ica re; 0.1 Cools chat It do the medical disrovery ol th's It la sundo by C. I. 1100D Lowell, Mnsa. urn in cont by all draggista.
100 Doses One Dollar FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF Galveston County RECEIPTS AND DISBURsem*nTS, Gplvorton County. Quartor Ending Tannery 31, 188'1. General Fundfor 59 10.199 Balance on 4,153 32 anntn Fo Cond FundReceipts for 11,300 93 5,416 Lulanco on 3.733 :45 1A Schcol FundReceipts for 1,17 57 93 17 on 1,140 30 Availnble Sebool FandDie 5 59 Eninnce at doblt. 50 jury Funcgunrter. Si Dis 01 Dalnri co at 20 and Bridge FundResoluts for 00 Dis 45 14 Balanco at debit.
11 11 Balance of All FundsCa: on hund Del 1, 1587....., .510,804 79 JAMES S. WATERS. Galveston, February 1857. ASSETS AND LIABILITIES, Galveston County, Fobruary 1, 1687. ASSETS.
General FundCash cm 54,703 32 Santo Fo Band FundRegislurec warrants Interest on 0,002 29 Cash on 5,123 95 $15,100 15 School FundCash on $1,710 30 Bonds purcensed. bus now missing, by county Sure for thin pur'. other 516,000 co Six per c*nt, interest on (1012 November I to 210 00 816,210 00 517,970 30 Tases duo front 1573 to 1581, Inclusive, G0 estimated 10,005 Tuxey duo for 1595, 8,402 (ml Tuxes due for 50,5113 07 $20,513 07, Amount short by ex-Treasurer W.J Borkschool fund, n.g per stato. R. 2,331 87 A Available school fund, na per R.
F. 0,933 17 Other funds, 49 per statoment R. F. 0.723 19 17 LIA DILITIES, Registered warranty 90 Accined Interest ou sumo. 1,103 $15,190 20 Galvoston county nor cent.
bouds 374,000 00 Accrued rest, Including three coupons 5,070 00 $377.1170 00 Roud and Bridge FundWarrant. for 63 En rogla. tered budunco ILS per A 11 14 Avuliablo School 50 January, 325 00 $1,500 50 Jury Fund820 90 Excess or over 2990 be. 250.170 33 Total Indebleduce, of county $303,001 00 February 17, 1087. Res, Actially WATERS.
AUCTION BATES. S. PENLAND Anotionoer: Commission Morohanta 200 and 204 STRAND, Flower Sods Ourn Oats Bran. and lAy, AFC. OFFICE FURNITURE and FIXTURES Lull Onico ante, Oftco Desk and Kalilng, Store Counters, Plattorni and Onantor Sculev, Show Cases, Choeve Box, Storo Truck, Awning Signs, otc.
By order. PAT SHEAN, Constable, F. M. FENLAND Auctioneers. CONSTABLE SALE of Groceries, Canned Gooda, Sagara, Colee, Tuna, Flours, Meate, Soaps, Fira proof Sale, VElco Desk, Fixtures, Etc, on tho Premises, N.
S. Market street, betwoca 10th aud 20th, (Store T. E. Boliingor Co.) OX MONDAY MARCEL 1, COMMENCING AT Canned Ments, Vegotabica, Jam, Brown, Sugar, Coffee, Teng. Vinegar, Momasca, OU.
Wrapplog Paper, Paper back und Darrel Flour, Potatoes, Lunadry Soups, Shurch, Dluo, and willow and Chlp Duskets, Codar Tubs, I Juga, Crocke, Buttor Trays, Gordon and BROWNS FHYSICIANS AND On Every Trade Park DRUGGISTS THE BEST TONIC. 4 This medleine, combining Iron with puro and completely Cares Xadigestion, WeakImpauo Blood, Malaria, and Fevers, and Nouralgin. Juds an unfailing remudy for Disenses of tho Kidney and Livor. 1: 1: Invaluable for peculiar to Women, all who tend sedentury lIves. docinorin on; the teeth, produco consupation-other Jrom incdicines do.
It, onriches And purtilen the blood, ellin'nics the appetite, nids tho n-virallutiou cf food, reltevos Meurtburn and Melching, wud strengthen the mud nerves. For Intornritteut Luvors, Lack of Energy, it has no equal. C7 Tho genuico bAn above trado mark and crosaed red Hines ou wimpper. no other. Linde calz by CROSS CO- tizolr, IP.
NOT Ho would especially call the witention of our bra BLUE for which we ara sals ants for the Scath west. oxcelled by none. Sample orders solicited. Ard Series: STAR, HORSESZOE CLIMAX P. WILL SPECEAL NOTICES.
Notice- Mirel: Tho Schooners Ark, Flora A Oorpita Chrigri. We Ed and Quiutaw will pot be reaposiblo for any thing bought by uny one unless they LaVO nu order FERDINAND MIERMANN. Notico. G. C.
E. P. and Association. nTe 20 ALCedd next WEDNESDAY. at 72, 19., alt their 11all, Tremont, bot.
Murkec and Mochunic. WI. Prosident. St. Mary's Catholio Total A nod Benevolent Society moots ac 1 p.
m. TITIS EVENING at St. Mary's Cathedral for reorgant. antlou. All active and ex borA 20 guested by tho Mishop to ho present, L.
0. C. MACINERNAY. Secretary. Special Mreting of Grant Injoy trace of the Congregation ISRAEL will be held at the hall of R'NA1 BRITH LODGE, NEXT SUNDAY.
TIZ Gelt INSTANT, 4.30 ME. Every member is requested to be proacnt. By order of thy t'rustdent, A. CULEX, CITY TAX NOTICE. OF CITY AASUSSOR, GARS ESTON, Merch 1st, 1591.
Al: persons, partnerships and corporations owning or controlling ant real or Moperty within the limits of tho City of Galreston on the FIRST DAY OF JANUARY, 1347, tablo to taxation are hereby to call at this Ofico within two after cho pa cation of this notice and ronder (or assca-mont a full nod completo lIst of such property 99 owned or controlled by blu, her or on the first Gay of lest. The Irited for rendition of the aforusuld property will expire on tho 30th DAY 08 APRIL, 1857, whoa rendered roll will be closed. S. VEDDER. City Assessor A JAIL TO BE BUILT.
COUNTI COMMISSIONERS OF RUSE county will meet on the 15th of March nest To Let a Coutract for the Erection of a New County Jail. Dide and jull contractor ArO invited 10 meet with us at Hendorson At Bald trio. Address J. I. FOOD, County Judge, Rusk county, Tex.
NOTICE. The Galveston Gas Corapauy All orders or complaints, to prompt fitention, should be Inft nt the odice of the curapaay, La the brick building an Market Street, Bot 241k and 25th trouts, betwoun the hours of 6 and 12 o'clock std, AUG. BUTTLAR, Secrotary. PROPOSALS. NOTICE.
PROPOSALS FCR BUILDING. RAKED PROPOSALS tor eL house for cha 12th Councy, day of Teams, Murca, will be by mO up to A.D. 1857. to be acted on by the Commissioners Court of Xacogdoches County, Texas, 49 0n tout day the right to reject all bidy Doing 10- served. The plaus and of the building cru be examined at my onice, in NiTexus, and at tho omce of Iouston, Texns.
JOS. J. SUTTON, County Judge, Nacogdoches County, Tax. Bastrop Coumly Bridge Bonds FOR SALE. BASTROP, March 2, 1897.
Tho Canuty CommEreloners Court of trop county bay authorized EDG laguance of tweety your Bridge Uonds to tho umount of Thirty Thousand Dollara. These 10 bc Issued under do not of the Eightconth Legislature, entitlod An act complies to issue bonda tor purposes. 0 10 IcEs a tax to pay same; also to vail: date bonds heretofore tested bridgo pur. poses." We Invite propositiona from all poryone wishIr 3 1o invest in those gecurition, shat In making their they the lowest rate of Interest at which they are willing to inke them. payable unnu.
will bo roceived for ono from this dete. Further information wiu be elven on application. DYER MOORE, Co. Undue Bastrop Co. 0.
ALBERT LYNCH COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND General Grain Dealers, 207 and 209 Strand. Galveston. Texas, A MONTH cAd bo mando $100 working lox ny. Ag'ly proterrod who cuu fornich Own boisoR ADd give whole time to the Spare. moments employed idao.
Mich, Rod Soil frown thin banks of the Br0729 for illing lots, yards aud gardens, Island Sand aml Soli toy diling In any quandity. AlLOW UH to muky you est belore We seil in any quantity, olthor on truck 0." delivered, Iron Foncen und Bunk WIre 110 gA IL ancelutty. Carlogues upon application. C. J.
McRAE Wholesale and Retail Coal Dealers and General Contractors. COR. STRAND AND CULI GALVESTON. LA LABADIE. LADIES, WE ARE BELLING THIS WEEK: Colored Boop Dishes aud Scar 10 Rotary Slitern 10 Lu gu Woot Suit Doxes for.
Large Wire Cord Stands Lure ball Rots Largo Gi for. fl Goblets si Porcelaln Platey 6 and Saucor: Glues Berry 4 ice Creams for 6 linlvos and Forks 12 Colored Goblets 12 French China NIckeled for. 12 Pieces (1 REC) Glutaware Piece Costiin Soup for. 12 Perfumo i patron and the trod generally to our coLa ted NAVY In stylo and quality it is equalod by low also have large atock following brands Stand SPLENDIO, LAM BASS, SCALPI IS BRO. HOUSTON ADVERTIsem*nTS.
J. R. MORRIS'S SON, DEALER IN HARDWARE, STOVES, MILBURN WAGONS Barbod Wiro, Shoot Iron, Avory and Brinloy Plows. 59 51 Main Street HOUSTON, TEXAS. GLASS Buyers of Window Gina will gave money by placing their orders with me.
My' stock conces dfroct from turere In car lots, which means a great sarlug in to the anu bottom prices to the buyer, JAS. BUTE, 31 and 63 Main Houston, R. P. SMITH, CARDED WIRE PAINTS nod (2 und 4 notated. I CORRUGATED IRON.
HOUSTON, Toros. King Iron Bridge Co. 05 CLEVELAND, and Buildors of Railroad and Highway Bridges. S. A.
TURNER, Attorney and Counselor at Lam, No. 80 Congrass Street, Houston, Tax, Practicos In the Scute Courts at Hoastoni Appotlace and District Courts at FeAtOL. BUSINESS CHANGES. GALVESTON, March 1597. FIRS OF MILLER, CANNON CO.
THE Is thig day clasolved by mutual cousent, and at the requent of nit the partuora G. B. MEllor will its affairs, paying all claling And collecting al! ducH, G. MILLER, it it it FENELON CANNON, D. THE.
AYERA. TO THE DISSOLUTION OF REFERRING Niter, Cannon the nnderalgned, G. D. Driller und D. The.
Ayers, bog to state that they have this day formed a copartnorship uuder the pume of Miller Ayery, and welli con. tinno the sumo bustness atthe old stand. We our varlons correspondents and patrons for past tavers, and guntomeut that our facilitlos for serving tholr Interests In tho futuro In tho nast are such a to 1c asguring entire satisfaction, wo rule cholr kind consideration. R. MILLER, D.
THE. AYERS. Galveston, March 1, 1857. NOTICE. TILE UNDERSIGNED, HAVE THIS clay entered under the Arm name of F.
Cannon A for the purposy of conducting heretofore IL general conducted commission businees (such bythe late fir1u of Miller, Cannon Co.) for tho galo of sugar, mologecs, bagging nad tios, grula, Your und provirlona, and solfelt the kind pat. of the many friends of tho Inte flen of Connon of whleh our J1r. Cannon 2835 24 LEe G. SERLIGSON CO. PESELON CANNON.
Galveston, March 1, 1587. HE DA This BUSINESS wide COLLEGE Ingtt- tution has votter of study and faculty than any shallar school lu Texas, Alabama, Arku7989, Florida, South North Carolina and Kontucky. 16 taught by netoul practice. No vucacions. Illustrocod catalogue und 9nccisea of due ponmopebly free.
Ad. R. I. HILL. Pros.
Waco. Tex. NEWSPAPERS at 25C POT 100, or De AS AT ONE-THIRD THE CUSTOMARY COST The News "Premium RIGZ-ARM SEWING MACHINE, HALF-CABINET, FIVE-DRAWEE Sixty-Dollar Machine FOR $22 75, WITH A COPY OF TEE WEEKLY NEWS FOR ONE YEAR. THe manufacturere claim for THE chat it INLA beou Improved and nimplided In oil Ira desel'a by the best went En America, wHo, with unlinited resources at their command, wave cowbizod ouly that which la practicalia and dispensed with all complicated surroundings generaily found in other It is che simplose Mnchine, Laving the Fewest all Strong. and with cuse burdened Boing tree from complications, It is oally cared TOT.
never gets out of order, und ty always roudy for use. The most Inexperlenced can readily manage it. It has all tho modern and conventuaces that go to make chA sum of excellences, succeestutly comblulug Sirmlicity, Durability, Spoed, Strength and Penuty, producing a machbie cqualed for cage of and espacity tor wide runsed of work. THE HIGH-ARN. EA light running and RICE STRAIGHT SELF SETTING NEEDLE, 1 sho Lock Stitch." Id a the of Jocchanisin for lemmi Felling.
Cording, Braiding, Scaul Gathering, Emurolded2g Hem 3, Quilting, utc. 'Is udepte 1 to every my of sewing, from the lightest musing to sho cloth, and will do prenter mange of work than aus GOtor machino. The Wood work 13 onlque Add 1g and yotstantially mode from robed and cuzefully solected material. Its olegant Enish and rich aLre 1n good tilste, and burmonize with she excelloat workmanglip of the Yur tore handsome end ornamental tuna the ordinury atyle of woodwork, it is at the muse time of equal durability, utility and good dniab. WALL STEE-THe Eve- yurr given so us by sho mnnufacturors, sad we la turn guarautue every machine to gira fall and ontire satisfaction, and agi co with every purchaser to duplicate any part that waves defectire ave yeery FREE OP CHARGE (Shattica, Nocdies and Bobbias ex cepted).
NO RISE WHATEVER. 30 great Is ocr conddence and knowledue of the superiority of the "Premium" Higb-An thnt we further agree with every purchaser to LENUND THE MONEY CASe full la not mven by tho machine in every particulur after a month's trial. Dressmakcrs, Scamstresses, Mantifacturers of Clothing. Shirts, Skirte, Corvote, ore Und one of its boat mcendutions Its special adaptadon to them' wants und rouge of work. THE ACTOMATIC TENSION Flien ance proporty regulated, will rarely Deed to ho changed, nod, as a general ruld, the whole range of sewing ens be done without any change of tension whatever.
This resalt 59 obtained by niccly adjusted springs tout will accommodazo themsulves to the sire of the thread used. Our Cisimg for Superiority are 85 Follows: A DEVICE whereby the bobbin can be wound without running the mechine savos sary wear of the machine, Lad the trouble el anthroading and removing work and attach menty white the bobbin Lg being Allied. A SCALE FOR REGULATING the length or stitch, which crablc3 the operator to readily sacertnin the length of stitch wichout testing to work, A SPRING-TENSION CYLINDER SHUTTLE. holding bobbin SLat carries a largo amount of thread. Thero la bus one holo to throuph, making 16 tho most caslly threaded la use.
The may be changed without romping the abuttle from tho inschino. THE DOUBLE FEED extends on both aldos of tho needle, und permits a grentor varioty of work thaa uny ocher. It huy great DO WOE, and never fully to perform Its duty- food the lightest and bearlest goods with equal precision, and will croas $00109 And ligh places without chunging longth of stitch or missing LIGHT RUNNING Onncconot of the simple mechanical devices coployed in ics conseracSon, runs 15ghter and with greater spead clan any ocher machine and 18 almost IT IS THE SIMPLEST, onslest operatod, beat mada and moat clogantly ornamented macline In the world, combining overy roqulsite to produce porfers work, Inviting a practical test of this machine, re distinctly claim for it a great suporiority 111 plan, workmanship, and 1a Its performanco. IC 58 unquoatlounbly tho mons popular machine now in the markot. THE OUTFIT, Each Mnchino is supplied with tho following outEr: On Femmer and Feller (one pieco), 14 6 Wronoh, 1 Quilting Gauge, 1 Screw- Oll Cun Allod wick oil, Cloth Gauze, I and Thumb.screw, and a Book of DJrections.
Tho following extra attachmonte nre also free: Tuckar, Bindur, Set of Wido Hommore, and Sulcrinz Plate. The Book of Instructions 15 trated, und answers the purposo of a tout teschor. Machines are shipped as fast freight otherwise ordered; purchasors paying troight age. Sowing Moline A gonta Suit tule Machine wIth tor 555 and sou. 322 74 buy one from us, year's subscription SO TIE WIELLY DAILY sh*tS, or 3 subscription to TILE NEWS.
EXTRA OFFERS. For 542 75 we will gend tho HIGIL-ARM SEWING SACHINE, with all the do-. aeribed above. aud THE WEEKLY NEWS one yerr For $24 we will sond tho FIGH-ARM SEWto Any address, ING MAOIINE, alovo doscelbod, with THE DAILY NEWS three months, portugo pald, to any address. l'or $47 00 we will send THE DAILY NEWS, paid, aix months, and tho MIGH-ACK SEWING MACHINE.
For SJ1 IC wo will yond the HIGH-ARM SEWING MACHINE, wIth nil sho and THE DAILY NEWS twelve months to any addicas. Mako remIttuncos to and romit by pasta dice order, registerod. lottar, or draft ou Galvoston, Dallas or Now Yorks. A. H.
BELO Galveston.