MLP Versus Goat Simulator - (2024)

During the meeting in Canterlot, Twilight was informed of the four chaotic goats wreaking havoc in the other kingdoms. Afterwards, she paid a visit to each of the kingdoms to search for clues on the goats, but her search proved to be fruitless. She later returned to Ponyville right after Luna raised the moon, and she summoned her fellow Guardians of Harmony to her castle for an important discussion.

In the throne room, the ponies took their seats around a round table.

“So what do you need to talk about, Twilight?” Fluttershy asked.

“Please don’t tell me what I think it is.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Girls, I have important news to share with you all. Today, the goats brought turmoil to Griffonstone, Yakyakistan, the Dragon Lands, Changeling Kingdom, kirin village, and Mount Aris.” Twilight informed her friends.

“Oh dear.” Fluttershy uttered softly.

Rainbow then facehoofed. “Of course it’s them!”

“Oh no! Are the yaks okay?!” Pinkie showed concern.

“They’re fine. But most of their homes have been... demolished.” Twilight answered.

“Is there no end to these varmints’ trouble-making spree?” Applejack sighed.

“I find it oddly strange that the goats went on to rampage in the other kingdoms after Celestia posted royal guards in every town and city in Equestria. Too much of a coincidence if you ask me. It’s like the goats were aware of what we were up to. Before coming back to Ponyville, I searched for clues on the goats, but I’ve been coming up empty.”

Twilight was getting more flustered.

“How is it possible for them to go around causing trouble and not even leave a single strand of hair behind?! Nothing about these goats make any sense! I’m suspecting that the reason I couldn’t find anything is because something is making sure I don’t! Is there a foe we’re not aware of yet? Currently, the only information we have on the goats are the abilities they displayed so far. But with nothing to analyze, I have no way of determining their origins or their weaknesses, if they have any!”

“If there is a mastermind pulling the strings, then this could be a bigger problem than we thought.” Rarity said.

“I hope it’s not too scary.” Fluttershy shivered.

“Here’s another odd thing. All reported injuries were only minor. There are no reports of severe crippling injuries, hospitalizations, or loss of life. While I’m glad that’s the case, I consider it awfully peculiar, with all the damage the goats left in their wake.” Twilight stated.

“Well, guess you can sum it up to... cartoon logic. Besides, this story is not meant to be grim and gritty, not like the one in which we fought against an organization of ancient warmongering unicorns that wanted to destroy Equestria.” Pinkie commented nonchalantly.

The other five mares responded by giving Pinkie puzzled stares.

“Pinkie, can you please pick another time to spout random nonsense? Thinking about the goats is already giving me a huge headache.” Twilight groaned.

“Gee, be thankful this story won’t contain anything graphic like blood or gore.” Pinkie deadpanned.

“Anyway...” Twilight continued. “We’ll have to face the goats again eventually. My biggest concern is that these creatures are unpredictable and capable of anything.”

“We can take them. I know we can.” Rainbow said with confidence.

After the meeting ended, the Guardians of Harmony retired for the night.

In the chaos dimension, Discord observed the six ponies carefully. He was relieved to see that they do not suspect him, but he knew that could possibly change later. If they catch on, he would be forced to stop the goats’ mayhem and the last thing he wanted was to receive a harsh scolding from Fluttershy.

“What should I do?” Discord asked himself. “I know the fun would have to end eventually, but I don’t want it to be over just yet.”

The Lord of Chaos then lied on his couch. “I’ll give Equestria a break for one day. I’ll be spending time with Fluttershy tomorrow after all.”

Discord recalled his goats and kept them in the chaos dimension until further notice.

On the next day, the draconequus decided to visit the School of Friendship to liven up the classes. The professors, except Fluttershy, were deeply annoyed with his antics.

Throughout Equestria, the royal guards continued with their patrols.

At Silver Shoals, Iron Will was giving an assertiveness seminar. Due to his assistants being goats, guards kept a close eye on them, much to Iron Will’s chagrin.

At the desert village of Somnambula, a guard expressed his displeasure of being posted there.

“I don't like sand. It's coarse, and rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere.” The guard complained.

“Suck it up, rookie!” Another guard responded to his complaint. “Like it or not, we have a duty here! Those goats could appear at any time! So do not let your guard down!”

After all classes in the School of Friendship were finished for the day, Discord and Fluttershy spent time together in the latter’s cottage, having tea and cakes. Fluttershy told him about the goats that have been causing trouble in Equestria, and Discord acted surprised and ignorant about them.

With the absence of the chaos goats, the day was uneventful. In the Canterlot royal castle, Celestia let out a sigh of relief after going through the whole day without hearing any trouble occurring.

On the next morning inside Tartarus, two of Equestria’s enemies, Tirek and Cozy Glow, were sitting idly in their cages completely bored out of their minds. They had been quiet for a long time.

“So...” Cozy Glow decided to break the silence. “Want to play a game to pass the time?”

Tirek just let out an annoyed grunt.

“How about a game of charades?” Cozy Glow went on.

“I prefer some peace and quiet.” Tirek answered flatly.

“Really? We’ve already been quiet for who knows how long. How much silence do you need?” The filly expressed some annoyance.


“Huh?” Both villains immediately turned their attention to the one who made the sound, and they saw the grey goat standing near their cages.

“Why is there a goat here?” Cozy Glow wondered.

Though bewildered by the goat’s presence, Tirek thought he saw an opportunity for freedom.

“Uh... hello there, stranger. If you would be so kind, could you please open this cage and let me out?” Tirek pleaded.

“Hey! What about me?!” Cozy Glow snapped.

The goat then released a cloud of pale-yellow gas that enveloped the two villains.

“Aaaaah! What is this?! It’s... It’s... suffocating!!!” Tirek screeched as he pinched his nose and his eyes teared up.

Cozy Glow and Tirek tried to hold their breaths as long as possible, but it was futile. They coughed and gagged for a short time before fainting with their faces turned green.

After the repugnant gas dissipated, Discord appeared inside Tartarus in front of Tirek’s cage. The draconequus gazed down at the centaur’s unconscious form with a smirk. He materialized a camera and took a selfie with Tirek in the background.

“Suck it, Tirek. Consider this as payback for the way you tricked me before.” Discord chuckled.

He then returned to the chaos dimension, ready to start a brand new day of chaos.

Inside Seaquestria, the ruler of both hippogriffs and seaponies, Queen Novo, was sitting comfortably on her throne. Mount Aris was still reeling from the recent chaotic incident, but Novo was just glad that her subjects are still all right. Since goats do not breathe underwater, Novo was confident that Seaquestria would be safe from them.

As she pondered on how four particular goats could cause so much damage, Novo noticed an unexpected visitor entering the throne room. It appeared to be an orange fish. What caught Novo’s eye was that the fish was wearing a strange metal helmet.

The queen stared quizzically at the fish, but before she could utter a single word, the fish’s helmet unleashed an energy beam that connected to her head.

Shortly afterwards, a group of seapony guards heard Novo screaming in terror. Alarmed, they rushed to the throne room, but once they arrived, their eyes widened and their jaws dropped upon seeing their queen with a huge head. The sight was so bizarre that the guards had a hard time processing this.

“THE FISH!!! SEIZE THE FISH!!!” Novo shrieked.

The guards were utterly confused, wondering why Novo ordered them to catch a fish. While they were indecisive, electric sparks engulfed the fish’s body and it stunned the guards as it blitzed pass them.

The fish then zoomed around Seaquestria like a bolt of lightning, charging through the underwater houses and leaving large holes on them. Any seaponies it swam pass were stunned with an electric shock.

While watching the pandemonium from his home, Discord looked at the fourth wall and said, “You didn’t think I forgot about Seaquestria, did you?”

In the colorful city of Las Pegasus, crowds of ponies were partaking in various fun activities such as riding on a rollercoaster or playing games in the arcade. The royal guards stationed there were extremely disappointed that they were there only to patrol and not to have fun. Needless to say, they were envious of the citizens for having a good time.

At the resort owned by Flim and Flam, the two unicorn brothers were in their office, brainstorming on ways to make more money.

“Any ideas, brother?” Flim asked.

“Nothing comes to mind.” Flam answered.

“Oink, oink!”

The brothers’ eyes widened upon seeing... a pig... in their office.

“Where did you come from?! You’re not supposed to be in here!” Flam exclaimed.

Just as Flim and Flam were about to try to remove the pig from their office, it suddenly released a cloud of revolting gas. The two unicorns gagged for a few seconds before fainting.

Elsewhere, a guard was on patrol outside of a hotel. During his patrol, he witnessed an ostrich entering a casino. He found it strange to see a large flightless bird wandering about, but he decided not to pay any mind to it since he was told to beware of goats.

Inside the casino, mares and stallions were minding their own business participating in gambling games. The ostrich approached one of the casino tables, where several ponies were playing poker. With a powerful peck, the ostrich broke the table in half, surprising all the nearby patrons.

“Hey! I was going to win!” One of the poker players snarled.

The ostrich then knocked out the pony by kicking him into a wall. The other ponies screamed and made a run for it. As they galloped away, the bird went around breaking or knocking over many casino tables. With panic quickly spreading, it also went to the slot machines and pecked them, breaking them open and spilling piles of Bits all over the floor. Royal guards rushed into the casino, and they were dumbfounded to see an ostrich being the culprit of this chaos.

While the ostrich was vandalizing the casino, an explosion occurred inside a buffet restaurant, which started a fire. Both the customers and restaurant staff fled to safety. As the restaurant burned down, the pig emerged out of the fire. Its whole body was engulfed in flames, but it continued walking like normal, much to the shock of the onlookers. A pig walking casually while burning was an extremely bizarre sight. The ponies weren’t given more time to stare as the pig commenced its own mayhem by spitting out balls of fire that explode on impact. The bystanders were lucky that none of the fireballs hit them, but the pig’s destructive rampage forced them to scatter.

In Manehattan, the population was active and noisy as usual. The streets and sidewalks were busy with everypony constantly moving from one place to another. Some nonpegasus royal guards were having some difficulty going around in this bustling city.

“When are these goats going to show up? I want some action already.” A guard moaned.

“Careful of what you wish for! I heard that even just one of these goats was a huge pain in the flank!” Another guard warned.

“But I’m bored! I need a little bit of excitement!”

The guard’s wish soon came true as he and his comrade encountered a crowd of screaming ponies running past them. The two guards then saw what the citizens were fleeing from. It was... a giraffe.

As it strolled around Manehattan, the giraffe fired laser beams from its eyes and blew up carriages in its path. Luckily, there were no ponies in those carriages.

“What should we do?! I thought we were supposed to be looking out for goats!!!” The guard who wanted action shouted.

“Notify Princess Celestia and Princess Twilight! I think they need to know about this!” The other guard advised.

Somewhere in Manehattan, a colt was celebrating his birthday along with his parents and friends at a pizzeria. The colt was about to blow out the candles on his birthday cake. Just then, a rhinoceros burst through the wall, frightening everypony inside the pizzeria.

A minute later, the creature charged right through the front entrance, breaking it apart, and stormed into the streets, demolishing any carriage in its way. Thankfully, nopony in the pizzeria was harmed, but the colt was crying because his birthday cake was smushed.

Back at the Castle of Friendship, Twilight was alerted to the chaos going on in Las Pegasus and Manehattan, and she summoned her friends to her castle.

“Girls! We have an emergency!” Twilight spoke with great urgency.

“Is it the goats again?!” Pinkie asked.

“Not exactly! It’s different creatures this time! Las Pegasus is under attack by a pig and an ostrich, and Manehattan is threatened by a giraffe and a rhinoceros!” The Princess of Friendship explained.

Naturally, Twilight’s friends showed a dumbfounded expression.

“First the goats, then a pig, an ostrich, a giraffe, and a rhino! What in Equestria is going on here?!!!” Rainbow yelled out irritably.

To catch all four creatures, the Mane Six decided to divide into two groups. Before they departed Ponyville, Twilight gave each of her friends magical orbs similar to the ones Tempest used to capture Celestia, Luna, and Cadance. She also provided Applejack an enchanted lasso that will completely immobilize any living creature it catches. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Rarity went to Las Pegasus while Twilight, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie headed towards Manehattan.

Las Pegasus...
After arriving at the cloud city, Rainbow, Rarity, and Applejack split up to cover more ground.

Rarity wandered the city for around fifteen minutes before discovering signs of trouble at a hotel. There, the ostrich was scaring away the hotel guests. Royal guards attempted to subdue it, but the ostrich knocked them out by pecking or kicking them.

Springing into action, Rarity rushed at the ostrich and threw a capture orb at it. The ostrich dodged the orb by jumping over it and then dashed away.

“Don’t think you’re going to get away, you ruffian!” Rarity chased after the ostrich.

While flying over the city, Rainbow spotted droves of ponies running out of an arcade screaming.

Inside the arcade, the pig (still covered in flames) continuously launched fire balls, blowing up all the games. When there was nothing left in the arcade to destroy, the pig wandered elsewhere to continue spreading panic.

Rainbow grabbed a cloud and poured rain down on the pig. After the flames around its body were extinguished, the pig stopped spitting fire balls. Rainbow then landed in front of the creature to confront it face to face.

“We can do this the easy way or the hard way.” The pegasus narrowed her eyes while holding up a capture orb.

An odd-looking helmet popped up on top of the pig’s head, and it released an energy beam that connected to Rainbow’s head. A mix of confusion and fear took hold of her as the beam made her head grow in size. When her head became ten times larger than the rest of her body, she screamed in sheer horror.

Meanwhile, Discord was crying with laughter. “Now Rainbow Dash has a head big enough to fit her ego!”

With Rainbow incapacitated, the pig’s body was then enveloped in brown sludge and the creature slipped away by sliding on the ground.

The pegasus grunted as she tried to lift herself, but her head was too heavy. The ostrich ran by with Rarity in pursuit, but the unicorn stopped once she noticed Rainbow.

“My goodness!!! What happened to your head?!!!” Rarity shrieked.

“Never mind me!!! Get the pig!!!” Rainbow urged.

Rarity gawked for a moment, but she soon shook her head to snap herself out of it.

“Don’t worry, Rainbow Dash! Once I see the pig, I’ll catch it!” Rarity declared before running off.

In the meantime, Applejack was scouring the amusem*nt park. As luck would have it, she found the ostrich wrecking the game booths simply by running into them.

Applejack immediately gave chase and as she pursued the ostrich, she tried catching the bird with her lasso. However, the bird proved to be a nimble foe, being able to avoid capture. The chase eventually led to near a Ferris wheel.

“Would you just stay still for a minute!?” Applejack said frustrated after many failed attempts.

Rarity, who happened to be close by, hurled a trash can at the ostrich’s legs, causing it to trip and fall. Seizing her chance, Applejack lassoed the bird successfully.

“Yes! You got it!” Rarity praised.

A puff of smoke appeared around the immobilized ostrich without any warning, shocking the two ponies. The smoke dispersed to reveal the white goat in the ostrich’s place.

“I’m confused. What happened to the ostrich?” Applejack was completely baffled.

“Just hold it still! I’m going to use one of these!” Rarity prepared to throw a capture orb at the goat.

However, before she could do so, the sludge-covered pig crashed into her while sliding. The pig swiftly slid towards Applejack while she was caught off guard, causing her to release her grip on the goat.

“Oh, come on!” Applejack growled irritably as the pig and white goat were getting away.

Before the earth pony and unicorn could go back to chasing them, a stack of dynamite dropped in front of them without any explanation and exploded. Both ponies were knocked out by the explosion.

Right after their arrival at Manehattan, Twilight, Fluttershy, and Pinkie also split up to find the two creatures that were bringing disorder to the city.

While soaring over Saddle Row, Twilight saw many of the boutiques there in shambles and numerous despondent ponies sitting on the sidewalks. She decided to stop by Rarity For You to check on the shop. Once she arrived, she found the place also in bad shape. Coco Pommel was sobbing while Smoky, Softpad, and Smoky Jr. tried their best to comfort her.

“Are you okay? What happened?” Twilight asked.

“It... it happened so fast! A rhinoceros came out of nowhere and... did all this!” Coco sniffled while pointing her hoof at all the damage.

“Rarity isn’t going to like this.” Twilight uttered nervously while looking at the ruined boutique.

While flying over a residential section of Manehattan, Fluttershy spotted the giraffe making its way through the city like a walking tower of destruction. Many guards tried to combat the creature, only to get blown away by its laser beams.

Fluttershy contemplated on throwing a capture orb at the giraffe, but then she opted to try to talk it down and give it a chance to surrender. She flew towards the giraffe and got into its face.

“Excuse me, Mr. Giraffe. I’m only going to say this once. ENOUGH WITH THE MINDLESS VIOLENCE!!!! YOU THINK ALL THIS DESTRUCTION IS FUN?!!!! WHAT YOU’RE DOING IS REALLY REALLY BAD!!!!” Fluttershy angrily yelled right in the giraffe’s face.

The giraffe did not express any emotions in response. A megaphone mysteriously materialized on top of its head and released a powerful sound blast, launching Fluttershy all the way to Manehattan Park where the pegasus landed into a tree.

Later, the giraffe went to the Bridleway Theater District, repeatedly firing laser beams and forcing the citizens to run in fear. Twilight arrived at the scene and tried throwing a capture orb at it, but the giraffe reacted quickly by turning its head towards the incoming orb and destroyed it with an eye laser before it made contact. The creature proceeded to assault the alicorn with continuous laser fire. Twilight generated a barrier to defend against the attack.

At another section of Manehattan, Pinkie heard a colt crying. She found the colt in front of the pizzeria. He was weeping while his parents tried to soothe him. Unable to ignore a sad foal, Pinkie went to the little pony.

“What’s wrong? Why are you sad?” Pinkie asked with great concern.

“I was having my birthday party with my parents and friends! And then a rhinoceros came and ruined everything, including my birthday cake!” The colt sniffled.

Pinkie let out a loud gasp and then her face turned red as she was boiling with anger.

“NO ONE RUINS A BIRTHDAY PARTY!!!!” Pinkie bellowed with a demonic voice before dashing off to find the rhino.

As for the rhino, it continued its rampage at the flea market, trampling on the booths and crushing the merchandises.

“HEY YOU!!!!” Pinkie called out to the rhino, getting its attention. “HOW DARE YOU RUIN A FOAL’S BIRTHDAY PARTY!!!!”

The rhino then charged towards Pinkie. With the strength of a demon, the pink pony stopped the rhino in its tracks with just her front hooves. She lifted the rhino, spun it several times, and flung it away with enough force to send it out of the city.

“Oops, I forgot I was supposed to capture it. Hee hee.” Pinkie smiled sheepishly.

Back at Bridleway, the giraffe continued attacking Twilight with laser beams, and the alicorn used a barrier to protect herself. Thinking of a plan of attack, Twilight teleported out of the giraffe’s sight. A second later, she appeared behind the creature and fired a humongous magical beam at point-blank range. The blast sent the giraffe crashing down hard to the concrete ground.

As the giraffe lied still, a giant puff of smoke emerged around it. When the smoke cleared away, Twilight had a look of shock on her face due to what she saw next. Now lying on the ground was the grey goat.

“It’s one of the goats!” Twilight exclaimed.

She was confused momentarily, but she regained her focus and threw a capture orb at the goat, trapping it in crystal. Before Twilight could use a transport spell to send the goat to Canterlot, something dropped from the sky and landed in front of Twilight, startling her. It was... another grey goat.

“Another goat?! Where did it come from?!”

In a surprising turn of events, more grey goats then fell from the sky, one after the other.

“Raining goats?! Are you kidding me?!” Twilight’s mind was boggled even more.

However, the goats that inexplicably fell from the sky just lied motionless on the ground. Twilight poked one of them with her hoof, but it did not respond. While she was distracted, the original grey goat broke free from its crystal prison, which the alicorn quickly noticed.

“You’re not going anywhere!” Acting quickly, Twilight used her magic to seize the goat before it escaped.

Her hold on the goat was short-lived as another goat dropped on top of her, knocking her out.

Sometime later...

Twilight...! Twilight...!”

The alicorn groaned as she opened her eyes and saw her two friends. “Fluttershy? Pinkie Pie?”

“Are you okay?” Fluttershy asked.

Twilight looked around and saw that all the duplicate goats had disappeared.

“I’m fine.” Twilight sighed. “The giraffe... It was actually the grey goat.”

“It was?!” Fluttershy and Pinkie were completely surprised.

“I thought I had it, but it got away. What about the rhinoceros?”

“About that...” Pinkie chuckled nervously. “I threw it somewhere far far away.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow but did not bother questioning it. She then contacted Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Rarity to hear how they fared. Before leaving Manehattan, Pinkie threw a party for the colt and baked a new cake to lift his spirits.

After being flung by Pinkie, the rhino landed in a faraway forest. It returned to its true form, revealing to be the black goat.

“Could it be?”

The goat turned towards the source of the voice. It was Chrysalis. She had frazzled hair and a crazed look on her face.

“Are you what I’ve been seeking?” She uttered hopefully.

With her magic, she lifted a large boulder and threw it at the goat. Using a headbutt, it shattered the boulder.

“Yes, I finally found one!” Chrysalis expressed her delight. “And now you’re mine!”

She lit up her horn and shot a beam of magic at the goat. Once the beam connected, it engulfed the creature in a green light. Her spell altered the goat’s appearance and made it look more devilish, with it now having six horns and glowing orange eyes.

“I also added a spell that will make you follow my every order unconditionally. Wouldn’t want to make the same mistake like with the treacherous duplicates of six certain insufferable ponies. With you as my servant, I will reclaim what is rightfully mine! But first, I need to exact sweet revenge on one pony in particular! Here’s my first command! Seek out Starlight Glimmer and make her suffer!”

The goat did not move an inch. It just stood idly and stared at the changeling.

“What are you waiting for?! Your queen orders you to deliver my vengeance!”

Instead of following her command, the goat let out a roar that sent her crashing into a tree. Chrysalis had the wind knocked out of her, but she managed to recover from the blow. However, she was furious at the goat’s disobedience.

“Why aren’t you obeying me?! You’re supposed to be under my complete control!!!”

Out of anger, Chrysalis fired a bolt of magic. The goat dodged the blast and used some kind of telekinetic power to lift her off the ground, slammed her into the trees several times, and then hurled her with great force into the air.

“WWWHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!” Chrysalis cried out in frustration as she disappeared into the distance.

Discord witnessed the confrontation and laughed at the former changeling queen’s expense.

“Tsk tsk tsk. I’m the one who decides what the goats do. They will follow no one except me. Even mind control spells won’t affect them.” The Lord of Chaos giggled. “But thanks for giving my friend a makeover. Now it really looks like an embodiment of chaos. By the way... there is something that you can help me out with.”

At Ponyville, the Mane Six returned to the Castle of Friendship to recover from their recent fiasco.

“Well, today could have gone better.” Rainbow Dash sighed.

“The goats can even shapeshift! What madness is this?!” Twilight screamed.

“They sure are full of surprises.” Applejack groaned.

Discord suddenly popped up in the castle.

“Everypony!” Discord shouted to get their attention.

“Oh, hey Discord.” Rainbow greeted with a frown.

“I found out who is responsible for all of your problems!” Discord said excitedly.

The Mane Six immediately shot up after hearing that.

“Wait, you did?!” Twilight’s eyes widened.

Discord snapped his finger and showed a visual footage of Chrysalis speaking to the black goat.

“CHRYSALIS?!!!” The Mane Six were completely shocked.

The footage showed Chrysalis casting a spell on the goat and giving it an order, but Discord left out the part after that.

“So... s-she's the... goats’ m-master?” Fluttershy stammered.

“No doubt about it.” Discord answered.

“Looks like she’s back and up to her old tricks.” Applejack chimed in.

“If Chrysalis is indeed the mastermind, then we need to catch her!” Rarity urged.

“Not to worry. You can leave her to me.” Discord volunteered. “You six should go collect the Elements of Harmony, just in case.”

“So now you decide to be helpful.” Applejack deadpanned.

Speaking of Chrysalis, she was searching for the black goat with her face showing bloodshot eyes.

“How dare that thing made a fool out of me!!! When I find it, I’ll make it wish it was never born!!!” She hissed with boiling rage just as Discord appeared behind her.

Chrysalis quickly turned around, but she blacked out after he snapped a finger. When she regained consciousness, she found herself inside a small room with walls made of stone and a single iron door. She was chained to the floor and her horn had a magic inhibitor ring on it.

Soon, the door opened and entering the room were the Mane Six, the last ponies she wanted to see, as well as Trixie and Discord. Twilight and her friends wore their Elements of Harmony as a safety precaution. As she received glares from the ponies, Chrysalis wondered if things could get any worse for her. What’s comforting for her was that Starlight, the one she despised most of all, wasn’t present.

The atmosphere in the room quickly became tense with Chrysalis giving death stares to her sworn enemies. If she wasn’t shackled, she would lunge at them in a heartbeat. The changeling’s angry eyes made the Mane Six cringe, but Discord just smiled. Trixie nervously hid behind the draconequus. There was an uncomfortable silence and no one said a word for a few minutes. Twilight loudly cleared her throat, deciding that she would be the first to speak.

“Chrysalis, we... have some questions for you.”

“What is it?” Chrysalis replied with a scowl.

Rainbow Dash then went up to her and looked her in the eye. With a furious tone, she asked, “Did you really created the goats that have been making problems for us!?”

“Yes, I brought them into the world!” Chrysalis’ mouth answered without a moment’s hesitation, but her mind screamed, “What?! Why did I say that?!”

“But why?” Fluttershy meekly asked.

“I did it for revenge of course! I lost everything to you loathsome ponies! I was supposed to be living a life full of prosperity as the supreme ruler of all the land but instead, I was forced to live in exile without a kingdom to rule!”

“I really pity you.” Applejack spoke up with a glum expression. “You were shown that you don’t need to devour love. You don’t need to be Equestria’s enemy. But you couldn’t see it. You have no one to blame but yourself. Honestly speaking, I didn’t think you could sink any lower. I hope you’re happy with those goats you set loose on Equestria.

Wait! While it’s true I want nothing more than revenge against you ponies, the goats were not my doing!”

Rainbow put her face close to Chrysalis’. “I don’t feel the least bit sorry for you. You’re going to get what you deserve. Now tell us! How do we stop the goats!?”

“I’m not telling you anything. Figure that out yourself.” Chrysalis sneered. “As a matter of fact, I really don’t know how! I’m not the one who created them! What’s going on?! My mouth is moving on its own!”

Losing patience, Rainbow prepared to punch Chrysalis in the face.

“Save your energy, Rainbow Dash.” Discord interrupted as he held Rainbow back. “It’s clear she has no intention to cooperate. I have a suggestion. How about using the Elements of Harmony to turn her to stone? Since the goats were created by her power, maybe imprisoning her in stone will stop them.”

“Ha! Try it! I dare you!” Chrysalis’ mouth provoked them. “No! Don’t!”

“Will it really work?” Fluttershy questioned.

“Remember when I was making Ponyville the chaos capital of the world?” Discord responded.

“Ugh, don’t remind us.” Rainbow rolled her eyes.

“But I didn’t mind the chocolate rain.” Pinkie interjected.

“As I was trying to say...” Discord continued. “When you six used the Elements of Harmony on me, everything returned to normal, right?”

“Discord got a point. I say we turn Chrysalis into a statue right now. The sooner we get this done, the better.” Rainbow agreed with the Lord of Chaos.

“Hold on a moment. Let’s not be so hasty.” Twilight showed some hesitation.

“Twilight, remember the time she invaded Canterlot and nearly ruined your brother’s wedding? She imprisoned your former foulsitter, took her place, and attempted to steal your brother for herself. She even manipulated him into siding against you.” Discord said in an effort to sway her.

“I know, but...”

“Oh, and don’t forget she replaced you and your friends with changelings in a later plot to take over Equestria. And she would have succeeded had it not been for Starlight and Thorax.” Discord further stated.

Chrysalis growled after Discord reminded everyone the reason for her downfall.

“Even after everything she did, Starlight still extended a hoof of friendship to her. And how did Chrysalis repay that kind gesture? By swearing terrible revenge against her! The nerve of her if you ask me! And in only a few days, her revenge scheme has brought a lot of misery to everycreature! She sent one of her goats to attack her former subjects, just because they decided to make peace with ponies rather than continuing on with her quest to conquer Equestria! Such pettiness! It’s crystal clear that she should not be allowed to roam free!” Discord reasoned.

“Come on Twilight, Chrysalis made her choice! Think about all the libraries that were ruined because of her!” Rarity added.

“Not to mention, she’s a big mean party pooper! No foal has to experience the tragedy of a ruined birthday party!” Pinkie commented.


Twilight finally relented. “Alright girls, let’s do this.”

Nooooooooooo...! Why can’t I speak freely?! This cannot be how it ends for me!!!”

“Just wait a moment!” Trixie interrupted. The showmare then pulled a rotten tomato out of her hat and hurled it at Chrysalis’ face. “THAT’S FOR MY WAGON!!!!”

With that out of the way, the Mane Six activated their Elements of Harmony, and Chrysalis could only watch helplessly. Her anger had been replaced by a feeling of sheer hopelessness. The Mane Six released a bright rainbow beam that enveloped her. As her body was being turned to stone, she noticed Discord giving her a snide grin. To mock her, he pulled down his right eye’s lower eyelid and stuck his tongue out. Realizing that the draconequus set her up, she tried to let out a rage-filled screech, but she was fully petrified.

“Looks like we can call this case closed.” Rainbow let out a sigh.

“Hopefully, those varmints won’t appear again.” Applejack followed.

“I’m sure they won’t.” Discord assured.

“Let’s go back to Ponyville and have a party celebrating the capture of Chrysalis!” Pinkie cheered.

“There’s one thing I need to do.” Discord then conjured a camera and took a selfie with the petrified changeling.

“Sucks to be you, Chrysalis. Thanks to your choice to remain unreformed, you’re the perfect scapegoat for me.” Discord whispered into her ear before leaving the room with the Mane Six, happy with Chrysalis taking the fall.

Next Chapter: Chapter 5Estimated time remaining: 29 Minutes Return to Story Description

MLP Versus Goat Simulator - (2024)


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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.