Intervening in French: *A Colony in Crisis*, the Digital ... - [PDF Document] (2024)

sx archipelagos • July 2017 • DOI doi:10.7916/D88K7NG5 • CC-BY 4.0 International Small Axe Project • ISSN: 2473-2206

Intervening in French: A Colony in Crisis,the Digital Humanities, and the FrenchClassroom

Nathan H. Dize

Kelsey Corlett-Rivera

Abby R. Broughton

Brittany M. de Gail

This essay explores the use of A Colony in Crisis: The Saint-Domingue Grain

Crisis of 1789 in the French literature classroom and how it helps address gaps in

digital humanities and French language pedagogy while interrogating the colonial

positionality of the French Revolution’s digital archive. In 2015, the Newberry

Library received a Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives grant from

the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) to digitize 30,000 French

language pamphlets, a portion of which pertains to the period before, during,

and after the French Revolution. As the digital archive of the French Revolution

rapidly grows, the need to draw attention to the broader context of revolution in

the French Empire–particularly in the Caribbean–has become even more urgent.

One of the most effective ways of addressing the marginalization of the Caribbean

in colonial archives is through pedagogical interventions and course design. While

digital humanities pedagogy has become somewhat normalized in the anglophone

literature classroom, the French language classroom has been slow to adapt to

the use of digital tools and pedagogy beyond the introductory language course.


In 2015, the Newberry Library received a Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and

Archives grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) to digitize

thirty thousand French-language pamphlets, a portion of which pertains to the periods

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before, during, and after the French Revolution.1 As the digital archive of the French

Revolution rapidly grows, the need to draw attention to the broader context of revolution

in the French Empire—particularly in the Caribbean—has become even more urgent.2

In her recent article “Refashioning Caribbean Literary Pedagogy in the Digital Age,”

Leah Rosenberg rightfully states that the digital age “places significant responsibility on

scholars to redress the marginalization of Caribbean literature and to ensure its future.”3

Haitianist scholars are all too familiar with the processes of occlusion that ultimately led

Michel-Rolph Trouillot to refer to Haiti’s past, its revolution, and its place in the Age of

Revolutions as “silenced” within the realm of Western historiography and Eurocentric

events. In the two decades that have passed since Trouillot penned Silencing the Past:

Power and the Production of History, scholars have helped place Haiti at the forefront of

the global and Atlantic Age of Revolutions, which has provided critical insights into the

history of slavery, human rights, and citizenship.4

The digital turn, though, gives reason for pause, planning, and action to ensure that

with the introduction of digital tools and pedagogy into university classrooms that the

Haitian Revolution is not, once again, subsumed by the French Revolution.5 As Rosenberg

and others suggest, one of the most effective ways of addressing the marginalization of

the Caribbean in colonial archives is through pedagogical interventions and course design.

Digital scholars, including Luke Waltzer, Stephen Brier, and Kathleen Harris, highlight that

pedagogy and course design are often at odds with the research-driven praxis of the

1 See “About,” Voices of the Revolution, (accessed 8 January 2017); and “2015 Funded Projects,” Council

on Library and Information Resources, (accessed 8 January 2017).

2 There are digital archives of the Haitian Revolution, such as the Haiti Collection at the John Carter Brown Library, Brown

University,, and other digital exhibitions of Haitian history, such as Malick Ghachem’s 2014 “The Other

Revolution: Haiti, 1789–1804,” at the John Carter Brown Library, (accessed 9 January 2016), and

Adam Silvia’s 2014 “Haiti: An Island Luminous,” at the gallery at the Green Library, Florida International University, (accessed 16 January 2017).

3 Leah Rosenberg, “Refashioning Caribbean Literary Pedagogy in the Digital Age,” Caribbean Quarterly 62, nos. 3–4

(2016): 423.

4 Michel-Rolph Trouillot, Silencing the Past: Power and the Production of History (Boston: Beacon, 1995). Recent titles

include Laurent Dubois, “Atlantic Freedoms: Why Haiti Should Be at the Centre of the Age of Revolution,” Aeon, 7

November 2016,; Elizabeth Maddock Dillon and Michael Drexler, eds., The Haitian Revolution and the

Early United States: Histories, Textualities, Geographies (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016); James

Alexander Dun, Dangerous Neighbors: Making the Haitian Revolution in Early America (Philadelphia: University of

Pennsylvania Press, 2016); and Julia Gaffield, Haitian Connections in the Atlantic World: Recognition after Revolution

(Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2015).

5 The digital archive in French poses major questions relating to power and the production of history, especially since

North American institutions possess and have digitized massive collections of French language materials. Whether or

not these institutions are equipped to handle the burden of curating and critically engaging with these digital archives is

often an afterthought in the race to digitize collections, which deserves further study.

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digital humanities,6 which renders pedagogy and assignment design “invisible labor.”7

What is more, even though the use of digital tools and research practices have become

somewhat normalized in the English-literature classrooms at the 300 and 400 levels, the

undergraduate French-language classroom at the same levels has been slow to adopt

the use of digital tools and pedagogy beyond the introductory language course.8 This is

perhaps because of the positioning of the digital humanities in English rather than modern

language departments, the periodized framing of modern language departments that

ideally grants a faculty position to each century from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance

to the twenty-first century, or the lack of synergy between departments in the twenty-first

century university.9

Given this environment, it was imperative for us, the authors of A Colony in Crisis:

The Saint-Domingue Grain Shortage of 1789, to introduce this digital document reader

in translation into the French-language classroom as a means of directly intervening at

the intersection of digital humanities, French studies, and foreign-language pedagogy.10

By partnering with Dr. Sarah Benharrech at the University of Maryland, we brought A

Colony in Crisis into the classroom in order to put the digital archive directly into the

students’ hands rather than relying on improved access alone. In what follows, we seek to

elaborate the possibilities for A Colony in Crisis and other critical digital humanities tools,

projects, and assignments in the undergraduate French classroom to expand the scope

of French language, literary, and historical studies in our digital age. We will introduce A

Colony in Crisis along with its long-term pedagogical intentions and aspirations. Next,

we will present the first guided use of A Colony in Crisis in the classroom, offering an

6 This seems to be shifting since the MLA Commons released the “keywords” project on the Digital Pedagogy in the

Humanities: Concepts, Models, and Experiments site, which gives scholars and teachers a curated list of digital projects

along with suggested implementation tactics. See Rebecca Frost Davis et al., “Digital Pedagogy in the Humanities | MLA

Commons,” an open-access, born-digital publication that aggregates digital experiments by practitioners and presents

pedagogical projects in their original forms:

7 Luke Waltzer, “Digital Humanities and the ‘Ugly Stepchildren’ of American Higher Education,” in Debates in the Digital

Humanities (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2012), 342.

8 Many use cases are found in the literature, such as Matthew K. Gold, ed., Debates in the Digital Humanities (Minneapolis:

University of Minnesota Press, 2012); and Sarah H. Ficke, “From Text to Tags: The Digital Humanities in an Introductory

Literature Course,” CEA Critic 76, no. 2 (2014): 200–210, doi:10.1353/cea.2014.0012; and anglophone digital humanities

is well-represented at disciplinary conferences such as AHA ( and MLA (]). For an example of

digital humanities pedagogy in the French-language classroom, see Virginia M. Scott, Cara L. Wilson, and Todd Hughes,

“Digital Tasks for Advanced Learners: The Case of La princesse de Clèves,” French Review 90, no. 4 (2017).

9 Matthew Kirschenbaum, “What Is the Digital Humanities and What’s It Doing in English Departments?,” in Gold, De-

bates in the Digital Humanities, 3–15; Abby Broughton, Kelsey Corlett-Rivera, and Nathan H. Dize, “(De)Constructing

Boundaries through the Digital Humanities: Collaborative Pedagogy and A Colony in Crisis,” conference presenta-

tion, Caribbean Digital III, Maison Française, Columbia University, 2 December 2016 (; Charles Forsdick,

“What’s French about French Studies?,” Nottingham French Studies 54, no. 3 (2015): 312–27.

10 “The Project,” A Colony in Crisis: The Saint-Domingue Grain Shortage of 1789 9 July 2014,

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evaluation of the successes and failures of our pedagogical intervention and assignment


Background: The Origins of A Colony in Crisis

The University of Maryland (UMD) Libraries’ Special Collections holds nearly ten thousand

French pamphlets, dating from the seventeenth through the twentieth centuries. Many of

the French pamphlets were stored in boxes according to subject; perhaps they arrived

in College Park in said boxes, or perhaps this system was implemented during earlier

attempts to catalogue this collection. Regardless, while the pamphlets focusing on

mainland France were organized thematically in uniform boxes, those focusing on the

French colonies had been preserved in separate boxes, distinct from the rest of the


Figure 1 French Pamphlet Storage Boxes

The colonial materials were not included in a finding aid developed with the help of the

UMD French Department in the 1990s, whereas the items from France were broken down

into very specific subjects (Series).

11 Abby Broughton, Kelsey Corlett-Rivera, and Nathan H. Dize, “Lessons from A Colony in Crisis: Collaborative Pedagogy

and the Digital Humanities,” Age of Revolutions, 15 July 2016,

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Figure 2 French Pamphlet Finding Aid

Despite these earlier efforts to improve access to the collection, awareness was still

low around campus, especially when it came to the colonial materials. Cataloguing

and digitization can increase awareness of such materials by making them accessible

to search engines and browsing from remote locations. With that in mind, a team of

library staff led by the French subject specialist librarian, Kelsey Corlett-Rivera, began

to plan out a project to facilitate online access. The team, along with French faculty

members, obtained funding from UMD’s College of Arts and Humanities to hire French

graduate and undergraduate students to inventory the pamphlets, which would allow

them to be fully cataloged and digitized through existing workflows, overcoming a lack

of French-speaking library staff. The student workers were able to inventory more than

four thousand pamphlets, leading to the digitization of nearly one thousand through

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the Revealing la Révolutioninitiative.12 While one of the project’s original goals was to

encourage archival research by the UMD undergraduate community, improved access

alone did not notably increase online usage.13 The team employed various strategies

to increase awareness, such as press releases, and also published regular blog posts

written by team members and students, several of which featured particularly interest-

ing pamphlets.14 Unfortunately, those publicity efforts designed to spark interest did not

address two of the underlying causes for low uptake by students: many UMD under-

graduates studying Revolutionary France did not speak French, and so while they had

improved access, were still not well-served by an online version of an original French

pamphlet; and many of those students with the necessary French-language skills were

perhaps not as familiar with the historical context behind these pamphlets that frequently

focused on very specific issues (such as customs regulations at the port of Marseille).15

In order to address these barriers to meaningful use, the Revealing la Révolution

team envisioned a pedagogical project aimed at providing a ready-made resource for

faculty to implement colonial pamphlets in their undergraduate classrooms, which would

also increase students’ exposure to primary sources and archival research. In focusing

on pedagogical uses of the French pamphlets, the project team identified three parallel,

but independent, goals: assisting UMD instructors by contextualizing the pamphlets for

classroom implementation and use; supporting the UMD Libraries’ goals of educational

outreach within the institution; and gesturing toward partnerships with teachers and

institutions outside of UMD by providing an easily accessible aggregated resource that

could serve as a model for further collaboration.

Nathan Dize, who worked on Revealing la Révolution as an undergraduate student in

2013, began his graduate coursework in UMD’s Department of French and Italian. As

his interest in Caribbean literature grew, he considered how to further curate the colonial

pamphlets in UMD’s Special Collections. The project team approached Dize to work on

the aforementioned pedagogical project, and he suggested a digital document reader in

translation, similar to the book Slave Revolution in the Caribbean, a resource he himself

had used as an undergraduate.16 Dize, along with fellow French graduate student Abby

12 “Revealing la Révolution,” Special Collections and University Archives at the University of Maryland Libraries,


13 The digitized pamphlets are hosted by the Internet Archive, which gathers usage statistics as described in “Frequently

Asked Questions,”

14 On Special Collections and University Archives at UMD (blog), see Nathan Dize, Danica Hawkins, and Annie Rehill,

“Revealing la Révolution: An Update from the Trenches,” 28 March 2013,; Nathan Dize and Danica

Hawkins, “French Pamphlets, Education, Thermometers, and Goodbyes,” 17 May 2013,; and Marie

Laure Flamer, “Agriculture, Illustrations and Prophecies,” 10 March 2014,

15 Ralph Bauer, e-mail message to College of Arts and Humanities, supporting initial funding request, 4 November 2012;

Etienne-David Meynier de Salinelles, Rapport fait a l’Assemblée nationale au nom du Comité d’agriculture et de com-

merce, sur le régime à donner au port et au territoire de Marseille, quant aux droits de douane (Paris: De l’Imprimerie

nationale, 1791).

16 Laurent Dubois and John D. Garrigus, Slave Revolution in the Caribbean, 1789–1804: A Brief History with Documents,

1st ed. (Basingstoke: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2006).

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Broughton and librarian Kelsey Corlett-Rivera, began work on A Colony in Crisis. By

creating this document reader in an online environment, they could provide students with

open access to both historical contexts and excerpts of original primary sources—in this

case, translations of colonial French pamphlets identified during Revealing la Révolution.

Faced with limited time and funds, and striving to stay within the undergraduate

attention span, the Colony in Crisis team consulted with Dr. Jennifer Guiliano, then an

assistant director at the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH),

to establish specific parameters for the document reader. Her experience teaching

undergraduate students and developing digital resources was invaluable as she worked

with us to set concrete, achievable goals: each translation should be approximately one

thousand words and ten to twelve pamphlets would be sufficient. While our model, Slave

Revolution in the Caribbean, includes forty-five documents, ours could not be compared

to a multiyear effort by leaders in the field with publisher support. By focusing on a

particular time period, place, or incident, we could more effectively narrow down our list

of over four thousand possible pamphlets. We toyed with the idea of focusing on a pivotal

year, such as 1789 (the storming of the Bastille) or 1791 (the beginning of the Haitian

Revolution), both seemingly logical starting points. But we had hundreds of pamphlets

from those years, many of which had been curated in online exhibitions and had received

considerable attention in literature.17 Focusing our limited number of pamphlets around an

event that had not been well-documented would add valuable content to the eighteenth-

century digital archive and would also reduce the likelihood that the historical snapshots

presented in each document would come across as disconnected, requiring extensive

explanation to lead the reader from one text to the next. Dize, having spent the most time

with these documents throughout his undergraduate and graduate career, proposed a

single incident discussed in the pamphlets: the Saint-Domingue grain shortage of 1789,

in which the importation of grain and flour was heavily disputed between the colony and

mainland France. Keeping the reader focused on a short time period would allow for

easier connections between pamphlets within the brief historical introduction presented

at the beginning of each translated excerpt.

Upon first reading the twelve chosen pamphlets that became Issue 1.0, the Colony in

Crisis team focused on the plight of the inhabitants of Saint-Domingue. These documents,

presenting colonial voices accusing mainland France of neglect leading to a famine, and

counterarguments insisting the famine was nothing more than a deception, appeared

to be proof that both locals and slaves were on the brink of starvation because France

would not allow them to break the exclusive laws to obtain grain from the United States

of America or other sources.18 Consequently, the website was titled A Colony in Crisis.

However, as the team did more research and began receiving feedback from advisory

board members, it became apparent that perhaps the situation was not quite as dire as

17 The John Carter Brown Library’s Remember Haiti project ( is an example of one of these online ex-

hibits. Translations of crucial documents relating to the Society of the Friends of Blacks (Société des amis des noirs; and others digitized at UMD appear in Dubois and Garrigus, Slave Revolution in the Caribbean.

18 “Succinct Response from the Saint-Domingue Deputies, Regarding the Merchants of Sea Ports, Distributed in the

Offices of the National Assembly, October 9, 1789,” A Colony in Crisis,

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initially thought.19 Slaves, the majority of Saint-Domingue’s population in 1789, consumed

little to no flour in their regular diets, so really only a small percentage of upper-class

French citizens likely felt the effects of the grain shortage.20 In reality, the rhetoric-laden

diatribes against France’s policies were geared toward lifting the barrier presented by the

exclusive laws restricting trade with countries other than France so that Saint-Domingue’s

merchants could trade freely, thereby seeing significantly increased profits.21 While the

authors came to terms with the interpretative framing employed by the French and

colonial administration, it is not to say that A Colony in Crisis failed to recognize the

inhumanity of the plantation, slavery, or the denial of full citizenship rights to the gens de

couleur libre (free people of color) in Saint-Domingue. Issue 3.0, for example, addresses

the systemic mistreatment of both enslaved and “free” people of color surrounding the

grain shortage of 1789.22 While the project team used the previously discussed criteria in

identifying and expanding on the initial topic, the major impetus behind the many years

of work to improve access to UMD’s French pamphlets, this project included, was to

facilitate classroom use of these rare materials. Therefore, the effectiveness of our work

could be measured only through implementation in the undergraduate classroom. Thus

we partnered with Dr. Sarah Benharrech in order to integrate A Colony in Crisis: The

Saint-Domingue Grain Crisis of 1789 into “Riots, Rebellions, and Revolution: Cultures of

Dissent,” a Fall 2015 upper-level French undergraduate course on eighteenth-century

French civilization

Saint-Domingue, French Language Pedagogy, and the DigitalHumanities

The French-language classroom, whether upper-level or introductory, makes use of digital

tools to provide students with the necessary linguistic reinforcement in the classroom

environment as well as at home. These are often textbook companion sites that feature

drills, glossaries, or interactive interfaces that help to prolong in-class discussions or

expand assignments related to cultural materials. However, in the upper-level French

19 The following scholars have served on the advisory board for A Colony in Crisis: Sarah Benharrech, Manuel Covo,

Marlene Daut, Carolyn Fick, John Garrigus, David Geggus, Jennifer Guiliano, Erica Johnson, Mariana Past, Alyssa

Sepinwall, Chelsea Stieber, and Gina Athena Ulysse. For more details, visit the board of advisors page (

20 Joseph Horan, “The Colonial Famine Plot: Slavery, Free Trade, and Empire in the French Atlantic, 1763–1791,” In-

ternational Review of Social History 55, supplement S18 (2010): 103–21, doi:10.1017/S0020859010000519; Bertie

Mandelblatt, “How Feeding Slaves Shaped the French Atlantic: Mercantilism and the Crisis of Food Provisioning in

the Franco-Caribbean during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries,” in The Political Economy of Empire in the

Early Modern World (Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013), 192–220; François Barbé-Marbois and France, Assemblée

Nationale Constituante (1789–91), Memoire et observations du Sieur Barbé de Marbois, intendant des Isles-sous-le-vent

en 1786, 1787, 1788, et 1789: Sur une dénonciation signée par treize de MM. les députés de Saint-Domingue, et faite à

l’Assemblée nationale qa nom d’un des trois comités de la colonie (Paris: Chez Knapen et fils, libraires-imp. de la Cour

des Aides, pont S. Michel, 1790), 35 (

21 Anne Eller, “A Review of A Colony in Crisis,” sx archipelagos, no. 1 (2016), doi:10.7916/D8833S3J.

22 See Marlene L. Daut, “Issue 3.0: Introduction,” A Colony in Crisis, 31 October 2016,

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civilization or literature classroom, students begin to grow into proficient users of French

at the same time they begin to hone their skills in humanities-based research practices.

For this reason, students of French in upper-level courses are poised to benefit from the

introduction of digital humanities research methods and models so that they can begin

to mobilize both their language abilities and their research skills.

The digital humanities can serve as a vast canvas for French-language students to

create their own work, define their own research interests, and explore the boundaries of

their interests in francophone culture, broadly defined. The digital space has a wealth of

benefits for the French teacher as well because it broadens the source base from which

instructors can draw—particularly as it relates to the digital archive of the eighteenth

century in French. A Colony in Crisis attempts to provide students with curated historical

content ready for classroom use, but the site also introduces a replicable model for digital

humanities research in French for students, teachers, and scholars alike. Thus we argue

that a thematic approach to teaching the Haitian Revolution in concert with the French

Revolution in the French-language classroom will allow students to grapple with the

history of slavery, empire, and revolution in a more global sense.23 Christie McDonald and

Susan Suleiman suggest that by reading and interacting with literature in French in the

world, scholars can begin to “challenge the notion of a seamless unity between French

as language, as literature, and French as a nation.”24 As part of this intervention into the

teaching of the Haitian and French Revolutions, we contend that the digital humanities

and the use of digital projects offer ways for eighteenth-century French scholars to pivot

from the Hexagon to a broader francophone context.25

In the past decade, historians have benefitted greatly from using comparative meth-

ods for teaching the Haitian and French Revolutions in the US-history classroom, provid-

ing students with a wider scope of history as well as encouraging nuanced discussions

about race in the Americas. As John Garrigus argues in his article “White Jacobins/Black

Jacobins: Bringing the Haitian and French Revolutions Together in the Classroom,” “The

case of Saint-Domingue/Haiti raises a topic of great importance for U.S. students—the

interaction of racial and national identities.” By teaching the Haitian Revolution along-

side the French Revolution, Garrigus contends that we are allowed to ask “at what

23 Christie McDonald and Susan Suleiman, eds., French Global: A New Approach to Literary History (New York: Columbia

University Press, 2011). This influential volume builds on developments in French and francophone studies also found in

Charles Forsdick, “Mobilising French Studies,” Australian Journal of French Studies 51, nos. 2–3 (2014): 250–68; and

Alec G. Hargreaves et al., Transnational French Studies: Postcolonialism and Littérature-Monde (Liverpool: Liverpool

University Press, 2012). This is also part of a larger frame of transnational literary and cultural studies; see Shu-mei Shih

and Francoise Lionnet, eds., Minor Transnationalism (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2005).

24 McDonald and Suleiman, French Global, xix.

25 France is often referred to as the “hexagon,” referring to the physical shape of the country. In French studies, this term is

employed mainly to differentiate between metropolitan France and France’s overseas departments in the Caribbean, the

Indian Ocean, and the Pacific as well as regions of the world that also speak French. It is employed linguistically (hexag-

onal French) to distinguish between the French spoken in France versus, for instance, Canadian French or Québécois.

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point were events no longer defined in Paris but in the Caribbean?”26 This decenter-

ing of the metropole in favor of the colonial periphery shifts explorations of identity,

authoring, and influence away from traditionally French roots and towards a greater

understanding of how the Haitian Revolution shaped the early history of the Americas.

In the anglophone history classroom, these questions can be addressed in a number of

ways. First, document readers such as The Haitian Revolution: A Documentary History;

Slave Revolution in the Caribbean, 1789–1804: A Brief History with Documents; or Race

and the Enlightenment: A Reader help draw students to historical realities through a

layer of curation—specific historical context allowing readers to enter into an isolated

and excerpted document—giving nonspecialist readers the tools to reconstruct events.

Second, the development and persistence of the fields of Haitian revolutionary studies

and Atlantic history have allowed scholars to identify the connections between Haiti and

the broader Atlantic world in the Age of Revolutions and beyond.27 By introducing these

approaches into a French-language context, the need to focus on the francophone world

beyond France becomes even more apparent.

The historical context for each document on the site is currently available only in Eng-

lish. However, each translation is juxtaposed with images of its French-language original,

allowing teachers of French to control the implementation of the sources by making use

of the contextual précis and bibliographical notes embedded in each translation page.

Teachers of French can also easily trace the original pamphlets back to important

digital collections of French-language pamphlets in the John Carter Brown Library’s Haiti

Collection and the University of Maryland, College Park’s French Pamphlet Collection,

in the Internet Archive, and at the Bibliothèque Numérique Caraïbe Amazonie Plateau

des Guyanes in order to guide their students in conducting original archival research in

French.28 By providing links to the archived originals, A Colony in Crisis invites students,

teachers, and scholars to replicate the type of document curation featured on the site

so that other episodes such as the so-called “Saint-Domingue grain shortage” can be

recovered from the archive of the early Caribbean. Replicating the curatorial aspect of

A Colony in Crisis would implement a number of skills taught in the foreign-language

classroom, such as translation, citation styles, and secondary-source reading, while also

adding to the wealth of digital history projects on the web. For undergraduate students

26 John D. Garrigus, “White Jacobins/Black Jacobins: Bringing the Haitian and French Revolutions Together in the Class-

room,” French Historical Studies 23, no. 2 (2000): 269, 260.

27 Just a few examples of recent studies in the field of history include Elizabeth Maddock Dillon and Michael Drexler, eds.,

The Haitian Revolution and the Early United States: Histories, Textualities, Geographies (Philadelphia: University of

Pennsylvania Press, 2016); James Alexander Dun, Dangerous Neighbors: Making the Haitian Revolution in Early America

(Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016); Caitlin Fitz, Our Sister Republics: The United States in an Age of

American Revolutions (New York: W. W. Norton, 2016); Malick W. Ghachem, The Old Regime and the Haitian Revolution

(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012); Ashli White, Encountering Revolution: Haiti and the Making of the Early

Republic (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2012).

28 See “John Carter Brown Library—Haiti Collection,”; “University of Maryland, College Park—French

Pamphlet Collection,”; and "Manioc: Bibliothèque Numérique Caraïbe Amazonie Plateau des Guyanes,

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Figure 3 Historical Introduction

as well as graduate students and junior scholars, digital projects also often serve as

crucial publications that prove useful when pursuing further professional opportunities or

employment. For teachers, implementing these aspects of humanistic inquiry and digital

literacy into the classroom provides students with critical thinking and the creativity to

work within the digital space.

In Caribbean studies, a number of early digital projects highlight the importance of

research and publishing within the digital realm that are ready for multilingual classroom

settings.29 The Digital Library of the Caribbean, the John Carter Brown Library’s Haiti

Collection, and Haiti: An Island Luminous are just three examples of digital spaces

where scholars, librarians, and digital humanists have collaborated and compiled digital

29 These projects are often oriented toward pedagogy and predate the Modern Language Association’s recent efforts for us-

able indices of digital humanities projects ready for classrooms. See Davis et al., “Digital Pedagogy in the Humanities.”

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Figure 4 French Original and Translated Excerpt

projects ready for use in the French-language classroom.30 These sites offer pedagogical

suggestions for implementation or provide historical and cultural context that can be

easily adapted to francophone classrooms. Furthermore, blog spaces such as Black

Perspectives, Age of Revolutions—A HistorioBLOG, and The Junto: A Group Blog on

30 For instance, the Digital Library of the Caribbean (DLoC) archives lesson plans, such as Erin Zavitz’s work on pedagogi-

cal approaches to teaching Émeric Bergeaud’s Stella and Pierre Faubert’s Ogé, ou Le préjugé de couleur. Each of these

texts, along with Zavitz’s guide, are available in DLoC; see Erin Zavitz, “Literary Representations of the Haitian Revo-

lution: A Teaching Resource for Pierre Faubert’s Ogé, ou Le préjugé de couleur and Émeric Bergeaud’s Stella,” Digital

Library of the Caribbean, 2012,

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Early American History often offer pedagogical approaches to teaching comparative per-

spectives in the humanities in our digital age.31 In a blog post for Age of Revolutions,

Haitian historian Erin Zavitz delves into the use and implementation of timeline software

in the US-history survey course.32 The above-listed cases are just some of the many

ways the digital humanities can, as Leah Rosenberg suggests, avoid and contest the

marginalization of (early) Caribbean literature and history.33 More important, this contes-

tation does not have to take place solely in the Caribbean history or literature classroom;

rather, it can happen via a comparative and thematic approach. The case study below

proves that other disciplines, in this instance French departments, are equipped to make

the multivalent digital and Caribbean leap.

Case Study: A Colony in Crisis in the Undergraduate Class-room

In the fall of 2015, the authors behind A Colony in Crisis first implemented the document

reader in the undergraduate classroom, working with Dr. Sarah Benharrech, a member

of the site’s board of advisors. This case study may be considered both a classroom

intervention and a pedagogical experiment, since it provides invaluable insight into how

current students can and cannot access A Colony in Crisis and, more broadly, primary

sources in general. The students who participated in our study are privileged to be both

French and English speakers who were able to use not only the Internet in their research

but all of UMD’s library holdings and resources in their work. Right away, we realized we

needed to use the intervention to teach students about “authoritative sources,” since

the undergraduates we encountered were unequipped to discern dated and inaccurate

sources from valuable ones. This discovery is especially significant when it concerns the

perpetuation of colonial narratives in a time when scholars are attempting to reintegrate

stories of those disenfranchised by colonialism and subsequent dominant discourses.

What is posted on the site reflects this realization, since most students do cite modern

sources from respected historians, though this proved not always to be the case. It is

our duty as educators to equip students with the tools they need to pursue informed

scholarship, since even upper-level students still need reinforcement regarding citations

and research methods. This is a task for instructors, professors and librarians alike, who

must seize opportunities to work together to educate today’s undergraduates.

In the spirit of collaborative pedagogy, Dr. Behnarrech and the authors of A Colony

in Crisis worked with the undergraduate French-literature course “FREN 449A: Studies

in Eighteenth-Century French Literature and Culture; Riots, Rebellions, and Revolution:

31 See, for example, Brandon R. Byrd and Nathan H. Dize, “Black Lives in A Colony in Crisis: An Interview with Nathan H.

Dize—AAIHS,” Black Perspectives, 13 November 2016,; Broughton, Corlett-Rivera, and Dize, “Lessons

from A Colony in Crisis,”; and Jessica Parr, “Reflecting on Digital History,” The Junto, 26 January 2017,

32 Erin Zavitz, “Revolutions in the Classroom: Digital Humanities and the U.S. History Survey,” Age of Revolutions, 13 June


33 Rosenberg, “Refashioning Caribbean Literary Pedagogy.”

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Cultures of Dissent” to produce the section “Background Notes,” which is featured

in an independent tab on the website alongside the translations themselves. As we

look back on this first pedagogical intervention, we are now faced with evaluating and

reimagining how our digital pamphlet reader can and will function productively within

the framework of a university syllabus. Our pedagogical goals originally focused on

introducing a new generation of scholars to reading primary archival texts—the preferred

evidentiary basis of historical analysis. As a means of introducing students to the history

of Saint-Domingue and the Haitian Revolution, Dr. Benharrech and the site’s team worked

together to create the parameters for her students. Once we conceived the assignment,

we listed it in the syllabus as one of the main projects of the semester, with the goal of

writing biographical columns to “enrich the website.”34 Dr. Benharrech introduced this

collaborative project halfway through the semester in week six, corresponding to the

unit on the Haitian Revolution. Two weeks prior, students had studied the 1775 Flour

War (la guerre des farines) and popular revolts before focusing on the French Revolution

(1789) for three class periods. This organization provided students with the foundational

knowledge necessary to set the scene for their foray into the grain crisis of 1789.

The goal of the project was threefold: to teach students about events leading up to

the Haitian Revolution, to facilitate their navigation of primary sources and support their

finds with subsequent secondary sources, and to work at developing a written academic

voice in both French and English. The students were tasked with reviewing the site,

reading several translations and the accompanying introductions, and choosing an actor

highlighted in either Issue 1.0 or 2.0 (at the time, 3.0 had not yet been published). Actors

included, for example, administrators, various social structures, key cities, or any other

aspects of life in colonial Saint-Domingue signaled in the documents. In the end, students

wrote notes on six individuals, three geographic locations, four groups of people, and one

organization. Dr. Benharrech adopted the motto “Go beyond Wikipedia” and assigned

students to write informational “background notes” of approximately two hundred words

to be included on the official site.35 These notes, written in both French and English

(self-translation by the students), describe the actors’ roles within the greater historical

context of the time period. Students worked in pairs and used sources contemporary

to the eighteenth-century pamphlets and modern academic works that reflect on the

period, rather than current encyclopedia-style sources easily accessible on the Internet.

As a literature course, “Riots, Rebellions, and Revolutions” allowed students to read

primary sources as “literature.” Though these sources were indeed treated as pieces

of historical evidence, Dr. Benharrech’s required reading of the speeches, addresses,

and letters found in A Colony in Crisis’s archives enabled students to confront questions

regarding what constitutes “literature” and how interdisciplinary humanities scholarship

can contribute to holistic pictures of history.

34 Sarah Benharrach, syllabus for “FREN 449A: Studies in Eighteenth-Century French Literature and Culture; Riots, Rebel-

lions, and Revolution: Cultures of Dissent,” Fall 2015.

35 For a librarian’s perspective onWikipedia, see Johnny Snyder, “Wikipedia: Librarians’ Perspectives on Its Use as a

Reference Source,” Reference and User Services Quarterly 53, no. 2 (2013): 155–63, doi:10.5860/rusq.53n2.155.

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To introduce students to the site, the project team took advantage of physical prox-

imity with an in-person visit to the class by Dize and Corlett-Rivera. Corlett-Rivera

introduced students to UMD’s resources and later guided students through the web-

site technology, while Dize, still a graduate student at UMD, visited the class to give

students a tutorial on how to approach primary sources from both historical and literary

perspectives. Because these two authors were local, they were able to provide in-person

services that will rarely be replicated at such a personal level. While the physical inter-

vention in the classroom was a “typical ‘one-shot,’” we would have preferred a more

“embedded” approach, integrating librarians into the university classroom on multiple

levels.36 When librarians are “embedded” in the classroom, they become an obvious

advantageous resource for student scholarship. Not only do librarians possess infinite

tools for research, including knowledge of where to look for scholarly sources as well

as access to the holdings of the university library and a whole host of affiliated libraries,

they serve as intermediaries between the researcher and the archive.

Libraries hold treasures, yet few students know how to access them. A Colony in

Crisis exists as both a repository of historical objects and as a vehicle for interpretative

engagement in the undergraduate classroom. The librarian and the scholars could

have become embedded in the physical and virtual classroom to both lead and assist

with learning, which likely would have reduced some of the challenges we faced when

completed assignments were received. Though the site includes the documents in both

French and English, the specific scope of the project demands guidance for students with

limited contact with primary sources; the historical objects are constrained by their limited

number and status as part of a temporarily static repository. While our introductions to the

pamphlets do render them accessible to a first-time reader, it is important pedagogically

to guide students through the “first encounter” with the repository in order to give them

the necessary tools to continue their journey into the archives throughout their careers.37

These tools range from library literacy (how to navigate library catalogues and search

scholarly databases), how to approach original documents materialistically, and where

to turn for secondary sources that shed light on the primary documents’ implications.

The experiment yielded productive, yet varied, results for the site, which required

much more collaboration from the site authors than originally anticipated. Though the

copy for the background notes was finalized on the students’ end, we immediately

realized that in order to upload it to the site we would have to significantly rework the text.

Since we received the work at the end of the semester, after grades had been submitted,

36 Frances Devlin and E. Bruce Hayes, “A Faculty/Librarian Collaboration to Restructure a Graduate Research Methods

Class for French Literature Students,” French Review 89, no. 2 (2015): 146–63. The “one-shot” instruction session has

been explored extensively in library and information science literature; see the following recent publications and their

bibliographies for further insight: Heidi E Buchanan and Beth A McDonough, The One-Shot Library Instruction Survival

Guide (Chicago: ALA Editions, 2014); Sarah Cisse, The Fortuitous Teacher: A Guide to Successful One-Shot Library

Instruction (Cambridge, MA: Chandos, 2016); and Jill Markgraf et al., Maximizing the One-Shot: Connecting Library

Instruction with the Curriculum (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2015).

37 To this end, we call for educators to walk their students through the site as an introduction to historical document read-

ing as well as for content purposes regarding the grain crisis in Saint-Domingue.

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the students were no longer involved in the project. This meant that the reworking task fell

to the project team alone. The primary problem we encountered was a tension between

the undergraduate students’ work and existing historical scholarship, namely, scholarship

that centers on the delicate narrative historians have weaved since the Haitian Revolution

that seeks to undermine colonial discourse from the perspective of the colonized and

deemphasize dominant narratives that ignored colonized voices. Students worked with

an imbalance of primary and secondary sources, most of which were dated and some

of which were misleading. The students’ work was linguistically accurate but erroneous

in its conclusions. For example, in writing about Les Cayes, the student author cites

historian M. L. E. Moreau de Saint-Méry’s work Description topographique, physique,

civile, politique et historique de la partie française de l’isle Saint-Domingue, volume 2,

published in 1797.38While the student integratesMoreau’s eighteenth-century description

through paraphrasing and translation, no additional sources are cited to cross-reference

the description. Not all students, however, fell into this historical trap. Some cited

exclusively modern, credible scholarship yet failed to include any eighteenth-century

sources; for example, the student authors of the note “The Slaves of Saint-Domingue”

cite modern scholars David Geggus, Arlette Gautiers, and Franklin Midy (articles from

1990, 1989, and 2006, respectively).39

While not every background note lends itself to cross-references with both modern

and period sources, it was only after the students submitted their work that we realized

the inconsistencies within the ensemble. Though we had instructed students to use

both primary and secondary sources, we did not provide specific guidelines that would

create unified results, nor were we fully embedded in the class to be able to answer

questions and address issues as they arose. The note “The French Colonists,” which

comments on the ratio of slaves to colonists and their interactions, offers a thorough

example of multi-generational scholarship. The student begins the note citing John

D. Garrigus’s 2006 book Before Haiti: Race and Citizenship in French Saint-Domingue

and subsequently cites Daniel Livesay’s 2015 article “Emerging from the Shadows: New

Developments in the History of Interracial Sex and Intermarriage in Colonial North America

and the Caribbean.” Next, to incorporate contemporary eighteenth-century sources, the

student author refers to Les Affiches américaines from 1884, which advertises slaves

alongside other goods for sale in Saint-Domingue.40 This blend of scholarship produces

a comprehensive background note that not only enriches understanding from points of

view contemporary to A Colony in Crisis’s pamphlets but also reflects critically on history

in an attempt to offer a global perspective to site visitors. The digital platform permits

links to archived documents, such as Les affiches américaines, which establishes A

Colony in Crisis as a curated, digital historical portal, where site visitors are only a click

away from reaching beyond our work and into a variety of digital archives.

38 “Les Cayes,” Historical Background Notes, A Colony in Crisis, 5 May 2016,

39 “The Slaves of Saint-Domingue,” Historical Background Notes, A Colony in Crisis, 5 May 2016,

40 “The French Colonists,” Historical Background Notes, A Colony in Crisis, 5 May 2016,

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Primary problems with the background notes centered around the students’ general

lack of knowledge of historical discourse. While editing, the team encountered multi-

ple entries that simply restated colonial ideologies, citing outdated sources instead of

critically looking into the intersectional nature of oppression and contributing to con-

temporary conversations regarding Saint-Domingue.41 This misunderstanding is best

represented, for example, when one student wrote that the colony’s free people of color

were the result of “relations between white landowners and their slaves,”42 instead of

directly calling the interactions “sexual coercion and rape.” Yet we cannot fault the in-

experienced student for reproducing this narrative. How are undergraduates to know,

without proper training, which sources are reliable? Looking back, we could have in-

structed students on themes such as race relations, gender studies, and identity politics

in order to better situate them in their reading before sending them into library catalogue

to retrieve quotable material. As Kimberlé Crenshaw writes, “In the context of violence

against women, [the] elision of difference in identity politics is problematic, fundamentally

because the violence that many women experience is often shaped by other dimensions

of their identities, such as race and class.”43 Using the word relations in the background

note is a result of ignorance of the colonial structure, one which hierarchized people

based on gender, freedom status, and skin tone.44 Future classroom interventions must

pick up where these students left off, which will require the instructor to intentionally

scaffold the unit to include conversations of race, gender, and economic disparity from

the historical standpoint and through a twenty-first-century-critical lens.

As authors of the site, we are left to question how much responsibility lies with us, as

creators, in managing how others read and interpret the documents. We have created

an open-access source that has the potential to be used in a multiplicity of ways we

cannot possibly survey. This first case study ended with Broughton and Dize spending

the summer of 2015 reworking the students’ contributions and taking note of how to

minimize future complications. Because we agreed to collaborate on the assignment and

committed to including the notes on our site, it was important to us that the information

be as accurate and perceptive as possible.45 To this end, we chose not to publish some

of the notes. While the notes we excluded could have served as a teachable moment,

the end of the semester subsequently ended the class’s involvement in the project.

Several of the students graduated and left campus, while others moved on to different

41 For more on intersectionality, see Kimberle Crenshaw, “Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and

Violence against Women of Color,” Stanford Law Review 43, no. 6 (1991): 1241–99.

42 “Free People of Color,” Historical Background Notes, A Colony in Crisis, 5 May 2016,

43 Crenshaw, “Mapping the Margins,” 1242.

44 For more insight into the social dynamics of race and class in Saint-Domingue and Haiti, see Marlene L. Daut, Tropics

of Haiti: Race and the Literary History of the Haitian Revolution in the Atlantic World, 1789–1865, 1st ed. (Liverpool:

Liverpool University Press, 2015); and John D. Garrigus, Before Haiti: Race and Citizenship in French Saint-Domingue

(Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006).

45 See related articles on historicity, such as Patrick Hutton, “Recent Scholarship on Memory and History,” History Teacher

33, no. 4 (2000): 533–48.

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classes and new research interests. This is, undoubtedly, one of the most crucial missed

opportunities of our intervention.

After Broughton and Dize reworked and removed questionable scholarship, the

team, including Corlett-Rivera and new site editor Brittany de Gail, went through each

background note verifying sources, flagging notes too poorly researched to share, and

copyediting the work. We additionally adjusted sentences and vocabulary to maintain

consistency throughout the site; for example, when we intervened to change the afore-

mentioned term “relations” to “sexual coercion and rape.”46 Furthermore, de Gail spent

far more time than anticipated correcting citations and formatting. More often than not,

the footnotes referring to secondary sources contained incomplete or incorrect informa-

tion. At worst, the citations were simply URL addresses to Google books; at best, the

citations were complete but formatted incorrectly according to the style guide. Rework-

ing these notes was a lengthy process of researching and verifying the publication details

for each source, then subsequently rewriting the footnotes in the proper citation style. In

order to keep the students’ work at the forefront and as authentic as possible, the team

attempted to keep content modifications to a minimum. Relinquishing control in this way

proved difficult, however, and in order to create some distance between student work

and A Colony in Crisis, we made the decision to flag each background note with the

following annotation: “Note: This work is the result from a research assignment given to

University of Maryland undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in Dr. Sarah Ben-

harrech’s course ‘Riots, Rebellions, and Revolutions,’ taught in Fall 2015. Learn more,”

with a link to the classroom collaboration description.

In the end, the background notes do greatly contribute to AColony in Crisis as a whole,

since they (now) document scholarly secondary sources and present source entries

written in web-friendly prose accessible to a wide, interdisciplinary audience. It would

have better served both our site and the students had we required each student to cite

both eighteenth-century and modern sources, since this would have allowed students

to rely on present-day research methods they are used to but also explore the archives.

Future classroom applications will certainly use this first intervention as a starting point

from which to evolve and improve. Thanks to the digital platform, the students created

an interactive version of an encyclopedic research tool that accompanies the original

documents and gives insight to the various actors surrounding the grain crisis of 1789.

The flag that makes it immediately apparent that the background notes are a result of a

collaboration with students and are not a product of the site authors themselves is not

meant to silence the student authors. Digital humanities evokes collaborative methods,

and credit is due to those who contribute. The collaboration with Dr. Benharrech proves

most valuable as a guide for where to steer future collaborations with undergraduate

students. In hopes of inspiring consistency, the site team will develop rubrics and

informational guidelines that will better guide students and instructors on their journey

into the digital archives.

46 Ibid.

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Conclusion: Future Directions of A Colony in Crisis in theClassroom

Further implementation of A Colony in Crisis in the undergraduate classroom will call on

university educators to not only encourage students to work with primary sources but

also conduct responsible research. The academy has repeated dominant discourses for

too long. The future remains with our students, who will either unknowingly continue

said discourse or will fight to correct stale and inaccurate sources. A Colony in Crisis

serves in the classroom as a pedagogical tool beyond the content of its archives. In

our work with Dr. Benharrech’s “Riots, Rebellions, and Revolution” French-literature

course, we learned that students in all stages of their undergraduate careers struggle

with basic principles of research and academic production. Teaching students to use

the library and read primary sources reaches beyond what they learn from reading the

documents themselves. Reading must be viewed holistically, as a means of extracting

knowledge and discerning information about the time period from which it was produced.

Our collaboration between graduate students and a librarian attempts to teach through

interaction with the website, but it remains to be seen how pedagogues continue our

work with students in their own classroom.

A Colony in Crisis is an open-access website that instructors are free to use. If,

however, in the future we work on expanding the site through collaborations with students,

we will take steps to create a more comprehensive feedback loop between the educator,

students, and ourselves in order to envision as a group an assignment that benefits

both the students and the site. As with any collaboration, communication is paramount

from all sides. For students to effectively carry out the tasks they have been given, the

creators must have a clear conceptualization of the intended outcome. Furthermore, we

need to encourage students to take ownership of the documents. Captivating students’

interest regarding a historic episode that took place more than two hundred years ago is

no easy feat. Presenting these documents dynamically as samples of history will help

students relate to the context and invest in its value. Additionally, in-class activities

such as dramatic oral readings of the speeches in order to study differences between

written and spoken register, along with task-based close readings of rhetoric, will anchor

students in purposeful readings, which will prevent them from losing focus and becoming


In Dr. Benharrech’s course, A Colony in Crisis was used both as content—delving into

the rhetorical strategies of French planters in Saint-Domingue as they proliferated the

guise of a grain famine in order to circumvent French trade laws like the exclusive—and

as a digital project to which the students would eventually contribute as an assignment.47

Focusing on the theme of riots, rebellions, and revolution allowed Dr. Benharrech to

contrast particular moments in French history, such as the silk workers riots in Lyon in the

early nineteenth century (les canuts de Lyon), and popular rebellions, like the 1775 Flour

War under the French Old Regime, to revolts and revolutions in the Caribbean. In an

eighteenth-century context, teaching the Flour War alongside the purported grain famine

47 Eller, “A Review of A Colony in Crisis.”

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[ Dize, Corlett-Rivera, Broughton, de Gail ] Intervening in French sx archipelagos Issue (2) [ July 2017 ] 20

in Saint-Domingue in 1789 gave students the opportunity to engage with the theme of

revolution through the lens of global francophone food cultures.48 In France, grain has

long been a staple crop and a major contributor to the French economy. Through A

Colony in Crisis, scholars are able to explore how the cultural purchase of grain allowed

planters to present a cogent argument that the colony of Saint-Domingue needed to

trade with the United States and other Caribbean colonies to preserve French cultural

ties and maintain the system of plantation slavery.49 A Colony in Crisis allows viewers

to follow links between documents that help illustrate the context and the stakes of the

grain crisis of 1789.

Apart from the intersection of food culture and revolution, there are other ways

of teaching A Colony in Crisis in the context of an eighteenth-century course. For

instance, in Issue 3.0, introduced byMarlene L. Daut (University of Virginia, Charlottesville),

numerous documents speak to the conditions of the gens de couleur libre in Saint-

Domingue on the eve of and during the Haitian Revolution.50 These documents highlight

the shift of the gens de couleur libre from free, noncitizen members of Saint-Dominguan

society to full-fledged citizens between 1789 and April 1793.51 A closer look at these

documents, such as the “Speech given October 23, 1791, by the Mayor of Port-au-

Prince,” reveals a nascent republican discourse in Saint-Domingue among the gens de

couleur libre.52 It was only after the gens de couleur libre received full citizenship rights

that the French government, as well as the local government in Saint-Domingue, refer to

this particular class of people as citizens. In light of this, A Colony in Crisis could help

open the discussion of comparative republicanism in the global francophone context. By

analyzing the deployment of republican discourse in France in contrast to its use in Saint-

Domingue, students would be privy to a whole new range of questions relating to the

intersection between class and race vis à vis republicanism. In pursuing such an endeavor,

teachers of eighteenth-century French literature and specialists of the Enlightenment alike

could entertain speculation about whether the French Revolution, or even the Haitian

Revolution, fully achieved the ambitions of the Declaration of the Rights of Man. As John

Garrigus notes, these types of discussions have significant import for undergraduate

students in the United States—especially in an era in which freedom and citizenship are

constantly called into question in relation to a person’s country of origin, family history,

48 For more background into the Flour War that set a standard rate for flour upon its conclusion, see Cynthia Bouton, The

Flour War: Gender, Class, and Community in Late Ancien Régime French Society (University Park: Penn State University

Press, 2005); and Vladimir S. Ljublinskii, La guerre des farines: Contribution à l’histoire de la lutte des classes en France,

à la veille de la Révolution, trans. Françoise Adiba and Jacques Radiguet (Grenoble: Presses Universitaires de Grenoble,


49 “Summary Given by M. Le Marquis de Gouy d’Arsy,” 9 September 1789, A Colony in Crisis,

50 Daut, “Issue 3.0: Introduction.”

51 David Geggus, The Haitian Revolution: A Documentary History, 1st ed. (Indianapolis: Hackett, 2014); Dubois and

Garrigus, Slave Revolution in the Caribbean.

52 “Speech given October 23, 1791, by M. the Mayor of Port-Au-Prince, Following the Peace Treaty between the White

Citizens and the Citizens of Color from the Western Province of the French Section of Saint-Domingue,” 23 October

1791, A Colony in Crisis,

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or potential status as refugee.53 Through comparative discussions of slavery, citizenship,

and personhood in a globalized francophone frame, students will be exposed to the full

purchase of the Enlightenment in the twenty-first century.

Since Issue 1.0 of A Colony in Crisis went live in 2014, we have added two more

issues of translated pamphlets along with the background notes described in the case

study here. The site has received over nineteen thousand page views by visitors from

ninety different countries, and several digital humanities courses list A Colony in Crisis

as required reading on their syllabi.54 Along with impressive online traffic reports, the

site has received positive feedback from scholars within the fields of digital humanities

and Caribbean studies, as evidenced by Anne Eller’s 2016 review in sx archipelagos.

Further developments are in the works, including a collaboration established in 2016 with

students at Montclair State University, who are interacting with the site’s primary sources

to provide translations in Haitian Creole, aiming to further expand the project’s reach.

Teaching language includes teaching culture, which by default requires a study of

history. Historical documents serve to study rhetoric throughout the ages as well as

provide students with primary source information in order to encourage studying history

from within and outside the context. As A Colony in Crisis continues to grow, the site’s

editors look to the future for opportunities to collaborate with classrooms and “embed”

the archives into student scholarship and student scholarship into the website of archives.

We aim for this relationship to be symbiotic in nature as academic work on the colonial

and postcolonial Caribbean is rewritten and reveals lost narratives. In order for the

Caribbean to continue its push from the margins to the center, scholars will need materials

that help their students participate in the process of decolonizing the history of the

region—pedagogy and the digital humanities are proving, and will continue to prove, to

be indispensable tools in this endeavor.

53 Garrigus, “White Jacobins/Black Jacobins.”

54 For example, University of Saint Andrews, “Politics, Culture and Society in the French Revolution, 1789–1815,” Resource

List (2016–17),; and New York University Abu Dhabi, “Introduction to Digital Humanities AHC–AD 139,”

Fall 2016,

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Nathan H. Dize

Nathan H. Dize is a PhD student in the Department of French and Italian at Vanderbilt

University, where he specializes in Haitian theater, poetry, and revolutionary poetics during

the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Nathan is a content curator, a translator,

and an editor of A Colony in Crisis: The Saint-Domingue Grain Shortage of 1789.

Kelsey Corlett-Rivera

Kelsey Corlett-Rivera is the head of the Research Commons and a librarian for the School

of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures at the University of Maryland. She leverages

emerging technologies to provide services for researchers on campus and is the site

designer and an editor of A Colony in Crisis: The Saint-Domingue Grain Shortage of


Abby R. Broughton

Abby R. Broughton is a PhD student in the Department of French and Italian at Vanderbilt

University, where she specializes in twentieth-century queer literature, body and identity

politics, and the intersection of illustration and text. She is a co-author, a translator, and

an editor of A Colony in Crisis: The Saint-Domingue Grain Shortage of 1789.

Brittany M. de Gail

Brittany de Gail is a site editor for A Colony in Crisis and an administrative assistant at

the University of Maryland Libraries. She graduated from UMD with a BA in Chinese and

government and politics.

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Intervening in French: *A Colony in Crisis*, the Digital ... - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Author information

Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

Phone: +2456904400762

Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.